Karsceal Turner – I Got Next!

I shall begin part three of this series by unveiling some allegations and accusations which cast a shadow on the organization known for “seeking light,” in this case, knowledge.
This series in its entirety began with Rick Ross and his feud with the Gangster Disciples, GDs for short. Why? I wanted to show the dark before the light. Now let us delve into an anti-masonic establishment far deeper than any rap, Rick Ross could ever conjure.
Did the Masons dispatch Captain Morgan?
First off, this ain’t about that bottle of spiced rum on your bar. Anyway, one interpretation begins with the disappearance of Captain William Morgan. In the summer of 1826, Morgan of Batavia, New York, announced his intention to publish a book exposing the secrets of Freemasonry. On September 11 later that year he was abducted and never seen again.
On October 7, 1827, a body was found on the beach of Lake Ontario. A coroner’s inquest was held which stated that “beyond any shadow of a doubt” the body was that of Capt. William Morgan. It further stated that, “he came to his death by suffocation by drowning.”
Nearly two centuries after his death, it is still difficult to find an impartial version of Morgan’s story. In the 19th Century, several books were written and published by Masonic organizations that depicted Morgan as a drunk, a thief and generally a man of low moral character. They denied that he ever was a Mason and that Masons had anything to do with his murder. In fact they denied that William Morgan was murdered at all.
A quick Google search of “anti-freemasons” will knock you out of your seat with all that is bad about the organization. There is everything from worship of the goat-headed Baphomet, to countless Church denominations (many listed in part two) denouncing the organization even though there are Masonic ministers…imagine that.
The following is an excerpt I uncovered from an anti-mason writer, Mr. Steve Keohane.
“Although they will deny it to you at first, most Masons find out in later degrees that the great lie of Masonry is exactly the same lie Satan is living. Masons think that through masonry one can chisel away layers of oneself, similar to how one creates a beautiful statue out of rough stone. And they think the end result will be no need for God, because they think the perfect Mason is like God. Pages 50-51 of the Mason handbook makes this quite clear – but not to the initiate. Masons are lied to about everything in the 1st three degrees. Satan and Masonry have the exact same goals. The secret goal of Masonry is to subjugate the world for Masonry, and be like God.”
Really… A Masonic Pastor?
There are as many varied opinions on freemasonry as the fingers on your hands and toes on your feet. Also in part two, I spoke about a Masonic Preacher I saw and heard speaking the word of God on a pulpit. His name is Rev. Frank Giddens, 85-years old and Pastor of St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church located in Espanola, FL.
Espanola is nine minutes north of Bunnell, FL on the East side of the peninsula in Flagler County. It is barely two miles wide. Dig the photo I took of this Masonic preacher who has been a lodge member of Espanola Lodge #161 PHA for as long as I’ve been alive. After hearing the sermon I heard for myself at the organization’s St. John’s Day church celebration, I know preaching when I hear it.
Indeed, if Masons are evil and worship Satan, it begs the question how can they be ministers? I’m just laying this out for you from various perspectives objectively; the choice lies with you, the reader.

How about some more examples to drive my point home? Here is a list of high-profile preachers who were/are freemasons: Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Rev. Al Sharpton. It is written and confirmed that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was made a Mason posthumously in 2001 Past Grand Master Benjamin Barksdale of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia.
Reaching further back will reveal that Richard Allen, founder and first Bishop of the A.M.E. Church, was elected the first Treasurer of African Lodge No. 459 (Prince Hall affiliated) of Philadelphia in 1979.
The short answer to the masonic/religious conversations according to sources is this according to members: “Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. Its essential qualification opens it to men of many religions and it expects them to continue to follow their own faith. It does not allow religion to be discussed at its meetings.”
Where does the secret lie?
In addition, according to Masonic sources: “The secrets of Freemasonry are concerned with its traditional modes of recognition. It is not a secret society, since all members are free to acknowledge their membership and will do so in response to inquiries for respectable reasons. Its constitutions and rules are available to the public. There is no secret about any of its aims and principles. Like many other societies, it regards some of its internal affairs as private matters for its members.
A Freemason is encouraged to do his duty first to God (by whatever name he is known) through his faith and religious practice; and then, without detriment to his family and those dependent on him, to his neighbor through charity and service. None of these ideas is exclusively Masonic, but all should be universally acceptable. Freemasons are expected to follow them.”
Seems simple and clear-cut enough to me. However, as with anything, there are always naysayers. Indeed, things which were once thought to be good for you will now kill you.
Remember that long list of church denominations I listed in part two? Riddle me this. Since a Mason founded the A.M.E. church, and Masons are KNOWN Satanists, is it true every one of the 2,500,000 members, 3817 pastors, 21 bishops and 7000 congregations of the African Methodist Episcopalian church is also a Satan worshipper? My logical mind tells me “don’t be absurd.”
Climbing Jacob’s ladder
In Freemasonry, there are many paths one may follow to further enlightenment or “light.”
Yep, Lucifer is known as the bearer of the dawn. Isaiah 14:12-15, with its reference to the morning star, is applicable to him, and presents him as a fallen angel cast out of heaven, but so was Prometheus, a Titan, who was credited with the creation of man from clay, and who defies the gods and gives fire to humanity according Greek Mythology.
The word “light bearer” in its literal sense means he who bears the light. It is synonymous with a person who searches for knowledge and enlightenment and who in so doing seeks to bring it to mankind. Clearly, SOMEONE has twisted the meaning. This is nothing new.
And so it is that one, who is initiated, passed, and raised to the degree of a Master Mason, may choose from two ladders towards further masonic enlightenment. York Rite Masonry The three primary bodies in the York Rite are the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Council of Royal & Select Masters or Council of Cryptic Masons, and the Knights Templar, each of which are governed independently but are all considered to be a part of the York Rite. One may also follow the path through Scottish rite freemasonry. The Scottish rite builds upon ethical teachings and philosophy offered in the craft lodge, or Blue Lodge, through dramatic presentation of the individual degrees.
Killuminati and the Masons
Another tradition that continues on the internet is the belief that Freemasonry has a sinister influence on all facets of world politics, going far deeper and wider than their public face would suggest.
Masonic scholars will refute that stance and say the organization was created for good, but may contain members whom have evil intent. To that one must ask how that is different from say, a police agency in any given urban City or perhaps any given church congregation, dare I say any given elected official? Before I further digress and since this subject is the meat of the series, we will have to extend it to part four – anti-masonic atmosphere further explained. Be peace.