Wednesday, March 19, 2025
81.1 F

Pajama wear is not a Style

It seems lately everyone is busy and looking for easier ways to get things done quicker and faster and to add to that list it seems they’re also looking for shortcuts when it comes to getting dressed.

I thought it was bad enough that we had to endure the Snuggie craze, how awful was that. I know I cringed too when one showed up under my Christmas tree. I know some of you out there may like this type of comfort wear and that’s fine for the house as in inside, but it seems there’s a whole new phenomenon I’d like to call pajama chic that’s quickly making it’s way outside into the Starbucks and Targets across America.

Pajamas and any other type of fleecy, flannelly comfort or lounge-intended clothing was not meant to go shopping in or inside an establishment to get coffee. If you must wear these things out in public go trough the drive thru.

It’s bad enough we communicate with each other slumped over our smart phones but wearing pajamas as clothing is the last straw.  The Pajama jeans should not be on your casual Friday dress list for the office. If you just have to wear them make them your Saturday house cleaning wear.

Just keep it stylish. We’ve already lost directly communicating with each other, but at least we can still dress in real clothing.

Pajama chic is not a real style; please send a text message on that.

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