Tuesday, January 7, 2025
41.3 F

OUC to Address Smart Meter Installations

Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) began installation of new digital meters in January throughout their service areas in Orange and Osceola counties. OUC has not identified the meters by their common name, “Smart” meters which have been installed elsewhere in the country.

Residents within the OUC service area also are not aware that these meters, operating on radio frequency with output levels considered and approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), are an “add on” of yet another dosage of radio waves.

OUC customer service reps will say that you can opt out of having the new smart meters installed on your home, if you have a doctor’s letter stating that the meters could affect your health adversely. But, OUC also states that there will be an “extra fee” for opting out and not taking the meters, however, OUC has not yet established what that fee will be.

Attend the March 12th meeting of the OUC Utility Commission and make your voice heard. This monthly meeting starts at 2:00 PM, is located at 100 West Anderson St., 7th Floor, downtown Orlando, 32801. Meters are being installed throughout the service area now, so call OUC customer service at 407-423-9018 with any questions.

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  1. If this is supposed to be a news website perhaps the news should be simply reported instead of editorialized on under the guise of reporting.

  2. I don’t see how these are any different or more “dangerous” than smart phones that we hold up to our heads on a daily/hourly basis. Why the hub bub? Nice to see utilities moving into the digital age. Maybe rates will drop now that they don’t need meter readers walking the neighborhood to manually collect the information.


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