Saturday, December 14, 2024
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The Scott Randolph ‘Dems’ Are Really Pissed Off Right Now

The Orange County Democratic Party is really, really pissed off with the West Orlando News.

I mean really pissed.

Pissed as in threatening to organize a Democratic candidate boycott of the West Orlando News. Pissed as in making veiled threats against some of our writers. Pissed as in really wanting to hurt us.

I guess they’re pissed.

They are so angry that they are calling us and sending messages via third parties that we are ‘sleazy,’ ‘unfair,’ ‘biased,’ and all sorts of mean and nasty things just because we called them out on their cliquey bullshit. The same bullshit that has plagued democrats in the state of Florida for years and years.

You see, in Orlando, or rather Orange County the Democrats organized as a party are only organized to benefit its inner circle, the Democratic Executive Committee, also known as the DEC. This year, for example, if you’re in with The Randolphs, you’re cool with the DEC. If you’re not, oh well, the hell with you. Unless of course, you’re a white candidate that can raise money.

Just ask some of the African-American candidates who are not afraid to talk about it.

Ask the West Orlando News how many times we’ve reached out to Scott Randolph for an interview. Ask the West Orlando News how many times it has had its phone calls or e-mails returned.

It makes you kind of sick to watch the Orange County Democratic party self-immolate. Gaffes, blunders, and overall stupidity are the tell-tale evidence of a local party in major disarray, a local party that needs new leadership.

Will someone please tell the Randolphs that the West Orlando News is not afraid of them and despite our size, and the fact that we are the only independent, locally-owned hyper-local daily in Orange County, which they have never supported, respected or acknowledged, we will prevail.

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  1. Perhaps the Randolphs won’t return your calls because they do not want to be associated with such an unprofessional news source. The West Orlando News has now officially cemented itself in my mind as worse than Fox News. The Randolphs are fantastic leaders, and I hope they will continue to be a major part of the Democratic party for many years to come. Oh, and for the record, I’m not a part of the DEC nor am I a white candidate that can raise money.

  2. “Holly Fussell” is likely not in the DEC because there is no Holly Fussell registered to vote in Orange County according to the Supervisor of Elections office. Sad that someone who thinks of the Randolphs as leaders hasn’t been recruited into the party. Maybe they can at least get you registered to vote before November! Or that’s someone in their clique, you tell me?!

  3. I am a registered democrat in Lake County. I am only in Orange County for school, but thanks for your concern.

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