Thursday, March 20, 2025
63.1 F

Obama’s Blunt Message To Africa


U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking before Ghana’s Parliament on Saturday, told the continent that, the forces of tyranny and corruption must yield if Africa is to achieve its promise.

He called upon African societies to seize opportunities for peace, democracy and prosperity.  “This is a new moment of promise,” he said.  ” To realize that promise, we must first recognize a fundamental truth that you have given life to in Ghana: Development depends upon good governance.

“That is the ingredient which has been missing in far too many places, for far too long. That is the change that can unlock Africa’s potential.”

Speaking perhaps as only an African American President could, Obama said, “No country is going to create wealth if its leaders exploit the economy to enrich themselves, or police can be bought off by drug traffickers”.

“No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20% off the top, or the head of the Port Authority is corrupt.

“No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery. That is not democracy, that is tyranny, and now is the time for it to end.

“Africa doesn’t need strongmen, it needs strong institutions.”

The President was on a whirlwind visit to the West-African country to highlight the progress that Ghana has made in strengthening its democratic traditions and growing partnership with the West.

Obama’s visit saw thousands line the streets of Accra to get a glimpse of the President and first family and to express their fondness.

President Obama’s trip to Ghana has ticked off Kenya and Nigeria, both of which felt they had a better claim on his first visit as president to sub-saharan Africa.

See Full Text of President Obama’s Speech, ” A New Moment of Promise”  to Ghana’s Parliament HERE.

Obama praises, scolds Africa

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  1. Obama must soon decide whether he is an african or an American; one cannot be both. The term african-American is bullshit!!! Most blacks in America have never even seen africa (though we might wish to introduce them to it)!!!


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