Saturday, January 18, 2025
70.1 F

Numb Nuts: Slow to Action and Stupid

I am so freaking exasperated from dealing with “numb nuts!”

Attorney A. Wellington Barlow – candidate for Circuit Court Judge in Jacksonville

Or, perhaps I just need a respite from the constant rain that Debby has pounced onto Florida.

Nevertheless, right now my nerves are frayed and I just need to channel my frustrations and annoyances to my political idols—the late Fannie Lou Hamer and Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.

Once upon a time, the fragrant smell from incense and candles followed by a delectable piece of chocolate was often the antidote for my rattled nerves or depression.

But not today!

So, to all of the “numb nuts” out there, allow me a few minutes to scream to the roof top—-what the hell is wrong with you?

From my vantage point, apparently Satan and the ruling class are triumphant again.

It should not be a surprise to my fans that I am actively involved in the advancement of “my people” especially in the political realm.

More specifically, currently, I am providing tactical and strategic advice plus financial horsepower to a brilliant and talented individual who is a candidate for Circuit Judge, A. Wellington Barlow, in Jacksonville, FL.

May I remind you that Attorney Barlow has impeccable credentials and skills?

May I remind you that Attorney Barlow’s experience is “head and shoulder” above his opponent?

May I remind you that Attorney Barlow is scandal-free?

May I remind you that Attorney Barlow is a solid, honest, and God-fearing man?

May I remind you that Attorney Barlow has “given the shirt off his back” on behalf of the underserved and the misrepresented?

May I remind you that Attorney Barlow has given pro bono (free) consultative services and advice to the financial detriment of his family?

May I remind you that Attorney Barlow has walked among giants yet has remained humbled and approachable to the masses?

May I remind you Attorney Barlow’s advocacy has garnered his place in the legal and historical annals?

Yet, to my dismay, he and other qualified black candidates who are laboring in the vineyards are often subjected to disinterested, ill-advised, nonchalant, unsupportive, uncaring, obstinate, programmed, back-stabbing, jealous-hearted, suspicious, uninformed disbelievers who have been bamboozled!

Comparatively speaking, Attorney Barlow’s candidacy should be a cake-walk but I fear that due to the lackadaisical indifference from the “numb nuts” we could lose a winnable campaign!

So, “numb nuts,” this is my plea:

When you see candidates like Attorney A. Wellington Barlow, they would appreciate if you could volunteer your time and contribute your money to their fledging campaigns!

When you see candidates like Attorney A. Wellington Barlow, be sure to register to vote!

When you see candidates like Attorney A. Wellington Barlow, don’t let foul weather detour or your foul disposition deter you from voting!

When you see candidates like Attorney A. Wellington Barlow, don’t take kick-backs by eating the crumbs from the enemy’s table!

When you see candidates like Attorney A. Wellington Barlow, don’t let the election-circuit clowns and jesters disillusion you from voting for your people!

When you see candidates like Attorney A. Wellington Barlow, thank them for sacrificing their family’s time, personal health, and professional careers!

When you see candidates like Attorney A. Wellington Barlow, be a blessing and not an obstructionist!

When you see candidates like Attorney A. Wellington Barlow, resist the tendency to be antipathetic!

While I strongly believe in miracles, political campaigns that are “grass roots” are in need of tenacious people to provide sweat equity, manpower, tangible resources, volunteer services, in-kind donations, and lots of money.

So, when we call you, be expeditious in returning our calls!

So, when we mail you informational brochures, be kind enough to respond by contributing any amount of money to their paltry campaign funds.

So, when we e-mail you, respond to our requests immediately!

So, when we visit you, be supportive by embracing us with a warm smile and a referral to a friend, a family member, and a neighbor!

To do otherwise is discouraging, exhausting, defeating, insulting, belittling and characteristically paramount to being a numb skull or a “numb nut.”

Same difference!


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