Tuesday, March 18, 2025
55.8 F

Nuclear Meltdown Fears Grow

As if things couldn’t get any more complex, another fire broke out again at reactor #4 at the earthquake-tsunami stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant and experts believe  this could prove more serious than explosions at two other reactors.

A toddler is checked for radiation

Tokyo Electric Power Co., the power operator said, flames were no longer visible after 30 minutes, but due to high radiation levels at the reactor, workers have been unable to pour water into the pool storing the spent fuel rods to keep them cool.

While reactor #4 had been shut down before the earthquake for safety checks, it is believed that a highly radioactive substance was discharged from spent fuel rods stored in the reactor, after fire damaged the building.

Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan said, radiation has leaked from four of six reactors.

Over the past two days, 50 brave workers had stayed behind, following the evacuation of several hundred, to help avert a major nuclear disaster.  However, late on Tuesday, there were news reports that those remaining 50 workers had been ordered to evacuate as well.

Radiation levels are about 400 times the annual legal limit at the plant, according to news reports.

Although still unfolding, some experts describe the escalating nuclear crisis in Japan now as a level 6 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.

The Chernobyl disaster in 1986, described as the worst nuclear accident in history, is classified as a level 7 event.

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