President Barack Obama’s approval ratings fell since May according to Quinnipiac University polls taken before and after the debt deal.
Obama’s approval rating fell from 51 percent in May to 44 percent this week in a pair of polls that indicate that following the deal, 51 percent of responders disapprove of the way he is doing his job.
The president’s biggest drop off was among independent voters, whose 61 percent May approval rating fell to 47 percent after the deal.
Meanwhile, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leads a crowded pack of Republican presidential hopefuls with 23 percent of registered Republicans saying they’d choose him if the primary were held right now.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry was a distant second with 13 percent, with 17 percent saying they don’t know yet.
On the debt deal, Obama fared better than his congressional counterparts, with 36 percent of respondents saying he acted in their best interests compared to 32 percent for House Speaker John Boehner and 12 percent for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
A Gallup Poll released his week shows 39 percent of Americans approve of the debt ceiling deal while 46 percent did not.