Friday, March 14, 2025
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New Photos: Trayvon Martin in Last Days

Trayvon Martin’s family released new photos today, taken nine days before the 17-year-old was shot and killed by self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman, 28.

The photos which were released to Global Grind show Martin enjoying time with his family on February 17, and out celebrating his mother’s birthday.

Another photo shows Trayvon playfully holding one of his cousins on his lap, while in another he is seen horseback riding.

Trayvon was fatally shot in a gated community in Sanford on February 26, as he returned from a nearby convenience store with Skittles and a bottle of iced tea.

Zimmerman, who confessed to shooting Martin with a single gunshot to the chest, has claimed self-defense. To date he has not been arrested or charged.

Martin’s killing has sparked outrage and nationwide rallies and marches. His parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton continue to call for Zimmerman’s arrest.

A special prosecutor, Angela Corey, appointed by Gov. Rick Scott, is currently investigating Martin’s shooting death.

Late Tuesday night, the Los Angeles Times reported that Corey could reach a decision in the case before the Seminole County Grand Jury convenes on April 10.

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  1. where im from u dont get a bail for murder ur guilty until other wise and if ur fighting and someone pulls a wepon and harms the other person they are the deffendent not the victom george was wrong for what he did and should pay for taken a inacent child from his family he had his whole life ahead of him and it was taken because zimmerman wanted to be nosey and follow him after he was told to stop and now people call him a bad seed a gangster get real if it was the other way around trayvon would be on a no bail facing life


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