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Pastor Flores Endorses Obama

Pastor Joe Flores

by Guest Columnist: Pastor Joe Flores

You know Jesus is coming soon when so-called Christians would support and vote for, as the next President of the United States of America, a cult member who devalues the Divinity of our Christ and the sacredness of the Holy Bible as the only written Word of God. How people who call themselves Christians can be so aggressive about supporting Mitt Romney, a man who unapologetically discounts anyone who isn’t an aristocrat as being not important enough for his time or attention. How can Christians support a man who has proven to be a person without a moral center or compass as evidenced by his publicly documented flip-flops on every issue he has ever taken a position on? How can Christians support a man who has proven that he will say anything to get votes as evidenced by the relentless false, deceitful and blatant untruths he continues to perpetuate through his 800 million anti-Obama advertising campaign? How Christians can stand so proudly waving the banner for this deceiver only validates the truth of Jesus teaching that the blind leads the blind.

The fact that these misguided, sheepish-minded, self-righteous, blind leading the blind, group of religious zealots so blatantly disrespect and dishonor not only the man, Barack Obama, but also the Office of the Presidency itself, lends credibility to the argument that their vicious, untruthful, hateful campaign against our President has roots in some other unspoken sentiment. Why would (so-called) Christians, work so vigorously against another person who clearly confesses his faith in Christ and seeks God in prayer both publicly and regularly to elect a man who is not a Christian, and disavows the core tenants of the Christian faith.

I don’t agree with all of the President’s positions but I can appreciate the struggle with the issues of faith that he must struggle with. I can appreciate the complexity of arguments and decisions he must make in order to represent this great quilt of people, ideologies and religions that make up these United States. There are no perfect candidates and it is not my belief that people ascribe some sort of “holiness” to any political candidate regardless of who endorses them. All human kind is frail and whether a person be of the cloth, candidate, or commoner, each of us will let each other down in life at some time. We are grown folks and we know that already. That didn’t stop Samuel from endorsing Saul and David, Isaiah from endorsing Hezekiah or John the Baptist speaking against the wickedness of Herod. From a spiritual stand point there is no biblical mandate or directive instructing the priest not to speak to or about the powers that be.

As a Christian, I understand that I am not electing a pastor but that doesn’t mean that I must cast my vote for a heretic. The arrogance of the ultra-crazy Christian right has led it down its own path embarrassing exposure of its social zaniness. We arrogantly pretend to be a Christian nation that is holy and righteous, but our true history in the world speaks more honestly to the contrary.

President Barack Obama is President of the world’s most powerful nation, but it is a pseudo-Christian nation, not a real Christian nation. Because as a real Christian nation multi-millions of so-called Christians wouldn’t elect a man who worships a God other than, the God of the Holy Bible. I state this without shame or hesitation. I am a proud supporter of President Barack Obama and I challenge these Pharisaic Christians to defend supporting Mitt Romney over President Obama with a straight face considering the WHOLE Counsel of God any day of the week. I appeal to committed Christian women and people of good will everywhere, don’t be deceived. On election day do the right thing for your children, not for your party, not for your personal social agenda or for the right-wing politically purchased, bias, hateful, prejudiced geo-politico-religious leaders. Do the right thing for the peace of the world. We have a choice that is as stark as John Kennedy versus Barry Goldwater, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. versus Bull O’Connor, as Moses verses Pharaoh. Your vote and votes that you can influence may make the difference between your sons and daughters dying in another senseless contrived war or your sons and daughters accessing and finishing school well with a lightning bright future ahead of them.

I don’t expect to change many minds, if any minds. However, I hope that people who were less than enthusiastic about this election for whatever reason, will see the bigger picture and use your power to save our nation from the right-wing warmongers and social elitists that seek your permission to turn back the clock to a time of oppression, discrimination and unbridled, reckless greed.

I’m urging all women, minorities, Latino’s and fair thinking people of all races, creeds and colors to rise up, standup and vote loudly and largely for a better future for our children and the peace of the world.

Pastor Joe Flores is the Founding and Senior Pastor at Perfecting Saints Worship Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia. 



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  1. Obama has offered minorities nothing. While his supporters make the case for Obama by painting frightening pictures of the republicans, consider that his victory creates all sorts of dangers. If he wins, his hand will be strengthened during the lame duck congressional session and he will finally get the chance to achieve his “grand bargain” of austerity measures with the republicans. This statement is not conjecture, but is based on comments coming straight from the horse’s mouth.

  2. You call yourself a christian? President Obama supports the slaughter of of babys in and out of the womb, while Gov Romney supports an end to abortion . A clear difference. Any God loving Christian should open their eyes .Some day you will have to explain to your maker why .

  3. Actually michael Amoroso, I don’t know what Gov Romney supports. He has flipped on every issue at least once. Plus Gov Romney wants to start a war with Iran. War is murder with government approval, but it is still slaughter of humans. Please explain that.

  4. After careful research and Examination of Millions of records; it is clear that the Right Honorable President B. Obama ordered a strike by the U S Navy, Actions by The U S C I A to destroy Osama Bin Laden, to help free Citizens of Tunisia, Egypt and LibyaThank you,  for your kind, considerate and very helpful support and encouragement. Please ask friends and neighbors, to share their votes, for Democratic Reforms in the Orange County Clerk of Courts for the improvement of Services to the Citizens of Orange County, our Voters and all parties to the Courts. and no where has President Obama nEver Ordered Anyone to Abort any Pregnancy, or to carry a baby to full term after a rape. The rights to decide the fate of pregnancy has been simply supported by our best ever President; to allow the mother to decide the fate of the condition and use of The woman’s Right to chose, in exercising her U S Constitutional Rights, uber the Supreme Law of The Land in Roe Versus Wade. Will someone who can read, explain that to those who cannot read, Please.

  5. Firstly, only a person who is not a minority would say that President Obama has offered nothing to minorities. Since I am a multiple minority I’ll decide for myself what President Obama has done for me and by virtue of my minority persons status, I also have a greater sense of what minorities that I know think about the contribution of President Obama to our lives. Secondly, no one, whether minority or not has to paint frightening pictures of Republicans; John Sununu, Karl Rove, Eric Cantor, Rick Scott, Richard Mourdock, Todd Akins and Mitt Romney are the live models for the group portrait of scary Republicans. There is nothing I can add that could enhance the artistry of their own frightening human socio-political graphic. Finally, I will have more respect for the pro-life advocates when two things happen. Number one, when the pro-life political power hustlers stop perverting the Word of God to justify their clandestine political agenda, I’ll consider their argument to have greater credibility. Secondly, when the pro-life political power hustlers start support ideologies, policies and programs that provide children who are already on the planet, women, minorities and immigrants, unfettered opportunity access to pursue the American Dream, without the burden of oppressive and discriminatory laws, statues and mandates to overcome. when this happens I will give their claim of sincerity greater legitimacy. In closing concerning being a ‘God loving Christian, it is God and God alone who determines who the God loving Christians really are.


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