“Montooth and the Canfield Witch” is the first in a series of YA fantasy novels that introduces readers to the world of Montooth. Told in a light hearted fashion the tale unfolds with likeable characters and interesting situations. Taking place in the 1950s in a Florida pre Disney, part of the interest is also the legend of the Columbia restaurant in the Tampa area and how the author fits it into the story. There are two story lines that unfold that make the novel so captivating. Readers of the Harry Potter books should discover “Montooth and the Canfield Witch” and be charmed the same way as the Rawlings stories.
Montooth and the Canfield Witch
Robert Jay
Montooth Press
c/o Cloverleaf Corporation
1916 South Tamiami Trail, Ruskin Fl 33570
9780615296456, $27.99 www.amazon.com
Check out the video trailer for this book here!http://youtu.be/k1-3lKV63EQ