Orange County Mayor-elect Teresa Jacobs will host a kick-off event for her new Jobs Summit Initiative on December 16, at the Disney Entrepreneur Center. The purpose of this initial roundtable is to discuss topics and content for a series of eight jobs summits that Mayor-elect Jacobs will hold in different geographical areas of Orange County in 2011.

The summits will focus on how to grow jobs county-wide, targeting every region with specific industries such as International Trade, Tourism, Healthcare and Cleantech.
“I want to position our community to compete for jobs and promote long-term economic stability for our citizens,” said Mayor-elect Jacobs. “We must nurture our existing business sectors while creating a business-friendly environment and quality life that brings in new industry.”
Mayor-elect Jacobs chaired the Economic Development committee of the 9 county regional initiative known as Her committee was charged with exploring ways to diversify the Central Florida economy and make it more competitive in the global marketplace.
For complete event details visit
What: Jobs Summit Kick Off Event
When: Thursday, December 16, 2010 – 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Where: Disney Entrepreneur Center, 315 E. Robinson Street, Suite 100, Orlando, FL
Who: Orange County Mayor-elect Teresa Jacobs and regional elected officials , representatives from local Chambers of Commerce , UCF, the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission, Workforce Central Florida and other organizations.