A Miami non-profit organization that serves senior citizens is pushing forward with bid protests after getting shut out of contracts in the state’s move to a statewide Medicaid managed-care system.
The protests by Little Havana Activities & Nutrition Centers of Dade County have led to three cases being sent to the state Division of Administrative Hearings during the past week.
The organization sought contracts in South Florida and northwest Florida to provide services to Medicaid-eligible seniors who need long-term care and will be enrolled in managed-care plans under the new system.
The state Agency for Health Care Administration in January awarded contracts to HMOs and other types of managed-care plans in 11 different regions of the state but did not award any to Little Havana.
Along with pursuing bid protests in two regions, Little Havana also is challenging AHCA about decisions this month to award contracts to Humana Medical Plan, Inc., and Molina Healthcare of Florida, Inc. Those two firms also were initially shut out and pursued protests, but they negotiated with AHCA to get contracts in some areas of the state.
“There has been no explanation as to why AHCA reversed its position and awarded additional contracts, yet continues to exclude Little Havana from negotiating and from being awarded a contract,” the organization said in a document filed Tuesday at DOAH.
It is not clear when an administrative law judge will hear the protests.