Sunday, March 16, 2025
71.9 F

Life Lessons


As I sit down to write this article, I just learned that a family friend, with two children the same age as mine, tragically lost their three-year-old child in a drowning accident last weekend. This is the second time this past year that my wife and I were watching the news and realized we knew the folks affected. Suddenly, anything I could possibly write about auto insurance and politics just didn’t seem that important. So, instead, I want to share the biggest lesson that this story, and my years as a personal injury attorney have taught me.

Life is fleeting, and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Life, like our young children, is precious, and must be embraced. Live every moment that you can to the fullest, and truly enjoy the great days and times in your life, because struggles and sorrow will come some other day, and you will have them to fall back on. You should live, laugh, love and cry, as these emotions remind us we are living. Lastly, have no regrets, and do not go to bed angry, as life is simply too short, and you never know what tomorrow will bring.

In my practice, I have all too often seen loved ones who let too much time go without speaking or telling the others how much they loved them, only to lose them suddenly. I have seen parents lose children, and adult children lose parents, way too soon. I have seen great sadness, but also, unbelievable triumph in the face of tragedy.

These experiences make me consciously aware, again, that life is fleeting, and you literally must live every day to the fullest. You cannot plan for tragedy, but you can live every day knowing that if it were your last, you made the best of it.

So live your life today to the fullest, and hug and kiss your children, your spouse, and those you love and let them know how much you love and care about them.

I know I will.


Michael T. Gibson is an Auto Accident Lawyer in Orlando. The law firm of Michael T. Gibson can help you obtain compensation for medical treatment, loss of wages, pain and suffering, etc. that you have incurred as a result of a car accident. Call 407-422-4529 or visit the website at


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