Thursday, January 9, 2025
45.5 F

“Inner Fire!”


“In everyone’s life at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.”

Albert Schweitzer

flame2Christmas Eve eve found “yours truly” undergoing advanced diagnostic testing and urgent treatments. Seriously ill for nearly a month, could no longer blatantly ignore the progressive nature of my symptoms and my rapidly worsening condition. Readily acquiesced to the necessity and sound judgment of being rushed by ambulance to the nearest emergency room.

Hospital personnel will tell you that a patient’s probability of survival greatly improves if the patient receives definitive treatment within one hour of an acute illness or accident. In the medical world, this critical time is known as the “golden hour” which is when a significant amount of professional effort and specialty assistance is expertly expended and rendered thus reducing one’s mortality.

So, my friends, while laboring in excruciating pain, I eventually decided to relax during my “golden hour.” Subconsciously, began fervently assisting the medical personnel in increasing my odds of living by circulating within my membrane positive thoughts and motivational affirmations coupled with prayers of hopefulness. It was evident that I wanted to survive this latest health crisis and medical malady.

Happily, I did——YEAH!

Loving tucked in my room were, of course, my husband and daughter. For nearly two years, I have indulged you with hilarious yet poignant stories about them. Unashamedly, you have been given full access, as well as, a telescopic lens of our growing pains, missteps, irritations, and even humdinger episodes or foolishness that have, good or bad, impacted our daily lives.

Proudly, I have treated my fans and followers just like my family. During past problems, emergencies, and conflicts, I have openly shared with you concerns, anger, vulnerabilities, loses, happiness, and disappointments. Sharing with you has always been cathartic, therapeutic, and meaningful. Frankly, I am so blessed to know that just like my nuclear family you have steadfastly supported and loved me through “thick and thin.”

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

During my recent hospitalization, I was again fortunate to add another admirer to my extended family. There’s no doubt that Wesley’s unwavering devotion was my “secret weapon” in hastening my recovery!

Never dreamed that serendipity would favorably intertwine our fates!

Serving as consoler-in-chief, Wesley’s persona, personality, and chipper Zen-like aura instantly neutralized my heighten fears regarding my health or demise. Additionally, he quickly dissipated my sullenness about being hospitalized on my daughter’s 14th birthday and then deadened my nagging apprehension regarding my prognosis.

Fortunately, his presence created a soothing haven for my healing while his tranquil calmness transmigrated into the connectivity of my subconscious. Somehow, he had incited an internal journey of inner peace and placid serenity by placing a moratorium on any mental formations of gloom and doom that I had initially formulated within the consciousness of my mind, body, and spirit.

Revived, I was ready for rebirth!

Since my discharge, I have deeply pondered and constantly reexamined those latest turn of events through the continuance of meditative self-contemplation and self-reflection. Concluded that as this New Year approaches, I would begin implementing several enlightened decisions as it pertains to relationships and redefine what really matters in the waning years of my life.

The famine is over!

My dear readers, it is worth noting that this year I will not bother with composing an annual list of resolutions consisting of false starts and hollow promises which invariably lead to dead ends. Instead, I will be in search for the Wesley’s of the world who instinctively can light my “inner fire.” In other words, to gain admittance into my sphere of influence one must be able to punctuate my universe proportionally with inspirational thoughts, productive behaviors, and galvanic energy!

This “phenomenal woman” has plans on accelerating living the life of her dreams come “hell or high water” because while lying in that hospital bed Wesley’s intervention had convinced me that I have so many “golden hours” left within my soul.

Thanks, Wesley, for stoking that “inner fire!”


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