Wednesday, January 8, 2025
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Image Polish Joins National Etiquette Week

Image Polish celebrates National Etiquette Week, May 10-14, to recognize courtesy, civility, good manners and kindness as the way children, young people, leaders and business people around the country are called to act.

National Etiquette week is an annual event established in 1997. Beginning the second Monday in May, it is a self-assessment on the current status of civility in the United States. This week is a valuable opportunity to raise awareness of courtesy, civility, kindness, and manners as well as rallying more people to act with good manners in their everyday life.

“If everyone would focus on civility for just one day, it would make a remarkable difference. I’m trust others will join us next week to champion adversity”, says Melva Akens, Etiquette Expert. Being kind, civil and courteous is the number one way to insure the world’s citizens exist into the next generation. And, civility produces a chain reaction. When you speak kindly, think positively, accept others and say “thank you,” others will respond in like manner. And it is up to you to restore civility, courtesy and kindness with these simple acts of good manners:

Melva Akens--Image Polish
  • Restore leadership skills by practicing the web-to-web handshake, responding to correspondence in an appropriate and timely manner, and respecting the individual talents of others.
  • Recycle courtesy. Being civil creates a chain reaction.
  • Take care of the Earth by using cloth napkins instead of paper; use stainless utensils instead of plastics. But recycle the paper and plastic when you do use them.
  • Reuse the fundamentals of being a global citizen – kindness, helpfulness, graciousness and gratitude.

Image Polish is based in Winter Park, Florida and provides uncompromising service in the areas of etiquette, personal shopping and personal image management.

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