Tuesday, January 7, 2025
45.3 F

“The Electorate is Ignorant as Hell!”

voteherefinalVoluminous thoughts pierced my mind as I glanced at our local paper’s endorsements of November 4th’s political candidates.

Kept thinking, where are the black candidates?

In a city where the populous is one-third black are you trying to insult my intelligence by telling me that the best we can do is find only two black folks qualified to vie for state-wide and congressional offices?


Couldn’t help but think of the day a few years ago when I read that a town in lily-white Idaho elected a “black man” for mayor. Suspected that nugget of information was either a misprint or a prank so I immediately hopped on a plane to test the veracity of that article.

Damn straight…wasn’t an apparition…it was actually freaking factual!

Well, kiss my…

The Honorable Joe McNeal, of Mountain Home, Idaho was simply amused that a stranger would fly, unannounced, to his town in order to personally verify the accuracy of his monumental achievement.

Subconsciously, I’m sure he must have thought that I was an overzealous political lunatic.



With an overabundance of excitement, booked Mayor McNeal on my radio show. Embarrassingly, flaunted his success to my brain-dead, lackluster, and complacent citizenry. Vociferously, challenged these voters to get off their “double wide” and start vying for elected office, and at the very least, start supporting black candidates.

Won’t take any credit, but a few years later, Jacksonville eventually elected its first black mayor.

Which made me further contemplate.

If my former state (Maryland) can be on the cusp of electing its first black governor (Anthony Brown) on November 4th, why can’t Florida break the race-conscious gridlock and elect its first black Governor, a black Commissioner of Agriculture, a black Attorney General, a black Chief Financial Officer, black School Board members, black City Commissioners, and blacks for Senate and Congressional offices?

Hey, y’all…blacks can’t get elected if blacks won’t and don’t run for office.


This election cycle also made me reminiscence about the time when I ran for School Board.

Had the complete package…

Employed as a Vice President of a billion dollar company,

Compelling “Horatio Alger” story,

Community ambassador,

Rising star in the business community,

Former educator,

Civic warrior,

Lived in the “right” neighborhood,

Married to a Navy Veteran,


Financially successful,

Didn’t drink, no history of drug use, and no prior arrests or convictions,

Articulate, personable, poised, astute, and pleasingly “attractive” to television cameras,

And, didn’t possess any detrimental skeletons in my closets.

As I said, I was a consultant’s dream candidate!

Consequently, this is what I learned…

The electorate is ignorant as hell!

Need examples?

When I was vying for the School Board position, I was childless. Insensitively, would you believe that folks had the gonads to inquire about the “state of my ovaries?”

Say what?

Further, would you believe that folks implied that I should quickly give birth so that I could be more amenable to the soccer moms?

Listen people…I don’t have a myriad of diseases but I still maintain a vested interest in its eradication.


And, would you believe that folks wanted to know my stance and platform on abortion?

Over a decade later, I’m still trying to connect the dots on that one…what the hell does abortion have to do with reading, writing, and arithmetic?

Wait a minute…it gets worse!

Folks took an issue with me because I didn’t wear a wedding ring!

Are you for damn real?

So, in a flash, bought a wedding band because the nontraditional ring that my husband exchanged with me during our ceremony was unacceptable to the Yahoos in Jacksonville.

Trudging on…

During my “meet and greet” with some politicos, many of them required gratuitous gifts. Will never forget that one individual wanted me to present him with a HUGE fruit basket before I could win his appointment and later endorsement.

Gave him my “finger” instead!

And, although the race was nonpartisan, would you believe that folks insisted on knowing my political party.

As you know, ALL black folks must be Democrats!

Consequently, in a heavily Republican city, was strong-armed to “see the political light” and change my party affiliation to ensure political acceptance, political continuity, and future Republican endorsements and support.

Needless to say, the Republican Party giddily salivated for a “safe” face like mine to be placed into their political coffers!

Moving on…

Will never forget that, after conferring with one prominent religious leader, learned that to ensure political visibility and viability, needed to sponsor “food” forums.

Suggested ghetto menu: chicken wings, bar-b-que, and fried fish!

You got to be kidding me?

Insult to injury, because I was deemed “attractive” and charismatic several horny men wanted to “sample my treats.”

Seriously, dudes?

Hmmm…smell scandal.

Humorously, lost count of the many weeks my garbage cans were confiscated and detained like common criminals.

Hey, Pee Wee, did you find what you were looking for?

Unbelievably, you would have been utterly flabbergasted witnessing the amount of surveillance, animosity, and sabotage received merely because I was a candidate for a measly School Board position!

Go figure!

Totally unprepared for the onslaught of political consultants, political advisors, political junkies, political about-face, political nemesis, political assassins, political spies, and die-hard political nuts who overwhelmed and ambushed me with false leads, erroneous facts, misleading figures, a bevy of lies, a dose of misinformation, sprinkled with a sliver of truth.

Sadly, viable candidates are then expected to constantly “hustle” and prostitute their dignity in order to raise money to pay for this incestuous cut-throat political industry and often ignorant electorate!


Subsequently, since I have first-hand experience and knowledge of the political process, can practically cite why credible black folks like me choose not to run for political office.

Who needs the BS?


As I anxiously wait to cast my vote on Tuesday, want to genuinely thank those civic and community warriors who endured pain and suffering so that I can freely exercise my right to vote. You would be proud to know that for 40 years, I have NEVER missed the opportunity to cast my ballot.

Furthermore, want to commend all candidates, regardless of their race, for sacrificing their health, welfare, family, precious time, and sanity for such an arduous and often thankless political journey and treadmill.

And, to the winners, marvel in your election success on Tuesday, November 4th!


Predictably, on Wednesday, November 5th, you will learn how incredibly alone you will be!

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