A just released Quinnipiac University poll finds that Attorney General Republican, Bill McCollum, leads Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Alex Sink, the Democrat, in the race for Florida governor by a mere 4 percentage points, 40-36, while a majority of voters abhor his challenge to the health care reform overhaul.

According to the poll, while Floridians mostly disapprove of the federal health care reform bill, 54 – 40 percent of voters say it is a “bad idea” for McCollum to file a lawsuit challenging its constitutionality. Voters say 38 – 28 percent, including 41 – 27 percent among independent voters, that they are now much less likely to support McCollum on account of this challenge.
The last poll conducted by Quinnipiac during January 20-24 showed McCollum leading Sink by 41 – 31 percent.
State Senator, Republican Paula Dockery poses no threat to McCollum for the party’s nomination, 56 – 7 percent, with 34 percent of voters saying they are undecided.
In terms of performance on the job, 52 – 25 percent say they approve of McCollum’s performance and they give him a favorability rating of 38 – 18 percent. As much as 41 percent of voters say they don’t know enough to rate him.
By contrast, Sink gets a 39 – 26 percent approval rating for her job as CFO, and a 22 – 15 percent favorability rating, the Poll shows. A whopping 61 percent don’t even know about her and therefore have no opinion.
The Quinnipiac University poll surveyed 1,250 Florida voters from April 8 – 13th. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.8 percentage points.