Monday, March 17, 2025
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Halloween: Watch Out for Political Ghosts and Goblins

 The Gantt Report

     The 2012 election and all other elections remind me of Halloween. Most candidates ignore Black voters until the end of October and when their campaign efforts fail to generate sufficient voter support the candidate’s reactions are scary!

     Around Halloween time is when the political ghosts and goblins come to life. They scare off voters with tall tales about progress, diversity, political justice and economic equality.

     In the later days of October is when politicians with million dollar and billion dollar campaign coffers seek to find non-paid volunteers to spread the word about false campaign promises.

     The volunteers are asked to wear cheap T-shirts made in Hong Kong and told they should go door to door in Black neighborhoods to drum up voter support.

     The volunteers, if they are lucky, get a meal after walking around all day and canvassing Black neighborhoods. The volunteers are fed cold chicken, stale donuts and watered down coffee while the candidates eat steak and lobster paid for with a campaign expense account.

     Halloween is also the time for the big political show! Just like in Hollywood and on Broadway, the political candidates put on a tremendous show. No motion picture, television or theatrical performer is a better actor than an opportunistic political candidate.

      Actions deserving of Oscars and Emmys take place in every city and in every state in America as politicians act like they are your friends, act like they are your supporters, act like they are your protectors, act like they are your providers, act like they are your benefactors and most of all they act like they are Black community saviors!

      So called Black leaders don’t wait until October to show their love for political devils. Negroes are the first ones to endorse a candidate, the first ones to contribute to political campaigns and the first ones to vote in states where early voting has not been eliminated.

     Yes, you put politicians first and politicians put you last!

     We never ask what will politicians do for Black voters or what politicians will do for Black businesses, Black schools, Black health care facilities or for Black communities.

     All we want to know is whether or not a politician is a member of the political party that says they support Black citizens. We only want to know who the white newspaper endorsed. We only want to know which politicians are on the “slate” depicted on the flyers that are stuck on our windshields on that last October Sunday.

      Yes my people, we’ve been tricked, we’ve been fooled, we’ve been misled, we’ve been twisted and we’ve been turned by closet klansmen masquerading as political heroes!

       But don’t be surprised, be scared because the month before the 2012 election is the month of October, the month where poor people get tricked and rich people get treated right before the general election! 


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