Thursday, March 6, 2025
62 F

Grayson: Obama is Completely Wrong to Propose Benefit Cuts


Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Orlando). Photo credit: John Shinkle
Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Orlando). Photo credit: John Shinkle

On a conference call for media and activists today, Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Orlando) blasted President Obama’s budget proposal which slashes the benefits for current and future Social Security recipients.  Mr. Obama’s financial blueprint calls for the use of a very controversial method of computing the cost-of-living adjustment – chained CPI – which cuts monthly benefits for people who rely on Social Security to survive.

“President Obama is completely wrong on this and it could drag down the entire party,” Grayson said, in response to a question on why Mr. Obama was pushing ahead with the “chained CPI.”

According to Grayson, Americans are experiencing what he described as the best of times and the worst of times – the worst of times in that the Democratic Party seeks to cut benefits [Medicare and Social Security] without receiving anything in return and the best of times, as the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) and the American people are fighting back.

“I think that we are making progress as over 2 million people have signed a petition rejecting chained CPI.  And we also have more than 30 Members of Congress who also reject the measure and will vote against it” Grayson said.

The Congressman noted that, he is not against making the system [Social Security and Medicare] more efficient, but added, “We must keep the promises we made to beneficiaries.”

Grayson also said, traditionally it was the Republican Party that desired to cut Social Security, Medicare and other social programs which hurt the poor and middle class, as demonstrated in the Ryan budget.  Now, some Democrats and President Obama are about cutting Social Security and Medicare, he said.

“This is not fair; Americans deserve a choice as fundamental differences should exist between the two parties,” he said.

No doubt referring to President Obama, Grayson added: “No one wants to vote for someone who will make a deal, but someone who will protect their interests.”

Grayson said he feared that, with President Obama offering up cuts to Social Security and Medicare in his budget proposal, he is potentially giving the GOP weapons that could be used in the upcoming mid-term elections.

The PCCC plans to undertake in-district meetings across the country to sensitizing people and Democrats to vote against the chained CPI proposal and draw a line in the sand.





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