Saturday, January 11, 2025
64.1 F

Governor Scott’s Stand Your Ground Blue Ribbon Committee

The killing of Trayvon Martin has created a new discussion and a new demand for justice in Florida, the country and the world. Gun violence in Florida has reached epidemic and disturbing levels with the killing of Trayvon Martin, and Governor Scott has decided to evaluate the controversial Stand Your Ground law. In the last two weeks he has assembled a 17 member board to help bring calmness back to the state.

The purpose of this 17-member task force is to determine if this law is progressive and improves public safety in the state. In the last two years there has been a gun rights expansion in the state, and more residents are buying and carrying concealed weapons than ever before. Many believe the criminal element has exploded in the state, and it is important to defend yourself, and be prepared for any altercation.

In this twisted world of gun violence, some of the members of the task force have supported and sponsored gun legislation, and voted for it in the Florida legislature. Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll will serve as the chair and was instrumental in co-sponsoring the Stand Your Ground law in 2005, and voted for it. Rep. Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, sponsored the Stand Your Ground law in 2005, and is a member of the committee, and has stated that it doesn’t need to be changed.

The vice chair is Rev. R.B. Holmes, and provides an alternative voice on the task force, and other members are several legal professionals, and neighborhood watch volunteers from across the state. It is expected that they will travel around the state, do their due diligence, and submit their findings to Governor Scott, his administration, and the Florida legislature.

There is no telling how important this fact finding committee will be in determining if the law is beneficial to the residents of the state. But Mayor Bob Buckhorn is expected to reach out to Governor Scott for help, and keeping concealed firearms away from everyone during the Republican Convention in Tampa. The 2011 state law does not allow any cities and counties to pass any laws regulating firearms or ammunition.

Mayor Buckhorn will be asking the governor if there is a way to temporarily suspend the law during the August 27-30 convention. “Given the nature and the potential dynamic of the event, I think it would make sense that you would not want firearms introduced into that environment by people other than law enforcement,” says Mayor Buckhorn.

It is extremely ironic that the mayor is an owner and a supporter of concealed weapons, but during the convention he wants the law suspended. There is something wrong with laws that only make sense some of the time.

Making the right decisions on gun laws will either move our state forward, or push us back in despair. It is time to better regulate the purchase of guns and control want to-be cops, who have no knowledge on gun laws and rights. It is my hope that the task force finds that the Stand Your Ground law puts public safety at risk and is a license to kill.

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  1. You dont think its a good law until you get attacked one day and are not able to protect yourself. What is a woman supposed to do in a rape situation? Without stand your ground law a woman being raped can not legally defend herself. I am a single woman and i carry my gun everywhere i go for protection. It has been proven that states that issue concealed weapons license have a lower crime rate. If you restrict law abiding gun owners you only succeed in helping. Criminals


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