Tuesday, March 18, 2025
66.8 F

Get Your Redneck On In Apopka With Cox Media

|From Facebook|

The City of Apopka is spending around $350,000 of taxpayer money to organize this event, which includes country music, a livestock show and racing pigs(!). It seems designed to appeal to a certain demographic within the Apopka Community, namely white people (some would call them “rednecks,” but I see that term as classist). Until a few days, the City was also claiming that the meetings of this event’s _all-white_ planning committee, which includes SIX City officials and a representative of a corporation, Cox Media (which is handling set-up and entertainment at the event), did NOT fall under our state’s Government In the Sunshine law, and therefore were not open to the public. It seems that the “good ol'” system is alive and well in Apopka, which, according, to the 2010 census, is slightly more than 50% Black and Latino.

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  1. APK has always had components of that good old boy network. I grew up in the town as the son of the first African-American Policemen. My father and Mayor Land were friends.

    I grew up visiting my father’s office and would frequently see Mayor Land as I would pass through City Hall.

    During the early years (60’s) you saw the struggles of ending the Jim crowism’s that were embedded in the hearts and souls of the people.

    I remember the issues that this racially divided town underwent as it struggled with giving birth to a new identity. I as a kid did not feel the struggle but knew of the divisiveness and wondered why.

    I remember one night my Mother, sister, and I were at home while our Father worked the night shift policing the City of Apopka. This was during a much contested mayoral race between John Land (who my Father supported) and some other candidate.

    There was the disturbing loud breaking of glass coming from our garage window. My mother cut off all the lights a gathered us together on the floor of our family room. She called the police station for our father within a short time he arrived.

    My father surmised that the brick through the window was the work on the Jim Crow mind set left over from a life of good old boy terror.

    We should see that the lessons learned from a supremacy mind set will eventually yield the same destructive results as it did in the 60’s and 70’s.

    Were the events of the past not enough to show that when you plan and practice divisiveness it eventually crumbles.

    All who know the town of Apopka understands there is a racial divide. From north and south of Main Steet there exist two different communities.

    Very little has been done to unite these communities, with the exception of utilizing the wealth of athletic talent within the African-American community (south of Main St.) to field one of the State’s best high school football programs.

    So what’s the answer. Well spending approximately $350,000 on a red neck party really is not the solution.

    I don’t know much about the new Mayor of my hometown. I’ve heard and read some of his bio (corporate sales of H2O).

    However, I offer him this challenge:

    · Expand the City limits south
    · Increase the City’s tax base
    · Find light manufacturing companies that would move to APK and create jobs.
    · Create and fund work force development programs for your population.
    · In conjunction with the Orange County Sheriff Dept locate a Police substation in South Apopka.

    There are a host of things that the new Mayor can/should do with an assumed $350,000 surplus in the City’s budget.

    Throwing a pig racing, livestock displaying party may not be a good use of the City’s budget.

  2. How about just a “Southern Roots” festival, since both Black and White Southerners are the Pioneers of Central Florida and especially this part. Southern Soul Food and Southern Soul Music along with Country and Bluegrass and Souther Rockin Roll. We share a common bond, the black and white Southerners in this section and we should celebrate the commonalities rather than seperate one from the other. We should both unite against the real danger to our ways of life….the modern day intruder from the North. Black and White Southerners UNITE!


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