Tuesday, January 7, 2025
45.3 F

Floridians Reject McCollum’s Healthcare Reform Lawsuit

Stephanie Porta with Organize Now is unrolling the petition (in front), Linda Merrell with Florida Children’s Health Coalition in back (Photo credit: Organize Now)

Groups representing more than half a million Floridians and 37 civic groups presented Attorney General Bill McCollum with a 60-foot-long petition signed by more than 7,600 individuals opposing his lawsuit intended to nullify the benefits of health reform.

The petition reflects the overwhelming disapproval of average Floridians in response to the filing of a lawsuit in federal court by the Attorney General “on behalf” of state citizens. The petition states:

“The Office of the Attorney General was created to advocate for and protect the people of Florida. Your lawsuit against the federal government to repeal health care reform, if successful, will do the exact opposite.”

Petition signers object to Attorney General McCollum’s use of taxpayer dollars to fund a lawsuit that would strip them of much needed reforms such as closing the Medicare donut hole, tax credits for small businesses, an end to pre-existing conditions and health coverage for one in five uninsured Floridians

The campaign “Not in Our Name, Not on Our Dime” gained immense popularity on its Facebook page where it has attracted more than 5,500 fans in a matter of days. Jaquie McGarvey, urged the Attorney General, “Please do not take this away from us. I am drowning in debt from my illness and would like to see it come to pass that folks like me will have coverage that actually covers. Don’t waste my money fighting against me.”

Volunteers hold our “Not in Our Name, Not on Our Dime” poster (Photo credit: Organize Now)

In addition, organizations representing consumers, congregations, workers, the uninsured, women and families presented a letter to Attorney General McCollum urging him to withdraw the lawsuit as it would negatively impact their members. Greg Mellowe, Policy Director of Florida CHAIN, remarked, “Our elected officials would better represent families struggling with health care costs by maximizing opportunities opened up by the new federal law. Our state’s leaders should be ensuring that benefits are implemented quickly and families are educated about new coverage options.”

Floridians represented by the petition presenters also oppose the use of the lawsuit for political gain and criticize the Attorney General for “grandstanding”.

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  1. Finally, some good news about Floridians exercising some common sense. Mr. McCollum should be held accountable to personally repay every cent associated with every state resource wasted on this political stunt. I can’t believe this corrupt old man is running for governor. We need better candidates for governor – not the same old snakes in the grass.


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