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Florida Democrats Attack Senator Rick Scott for Attending Trump’s Trial

As Senator Rick Scott supported former President Donald Trump at his New York trial, Florida Democrats attacked him for skipping work and pointed out he highlighted his Medicare fraud history.

Democrats said that while his Senate colleagues worked to pass critical legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration, the Florida Republican Senator was in New York “kissing up to Donald Trump and reminding everyone how he oversaw the largest Medicare fraud in history.”

Senator Rick Scott made a comparison of President Trump’s trial to his own Medicare fraud issues, saying “I saw this, it happened to me.” Rick Scott added that he would “absolutely” support Trump for President even if he was convicted in the trial.

Florida Democrats were disgusted.

“Instead of doing his job, Rick Scott spent his time reminding Floridians that he oversaw the largest Medicare fraud in history, attacking the judge’s daughter, and following Trump around like a pathetic superfan,” said Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried.

One Democrat running against Rick Scott also attacked the Republican for skipping work in Washington D.C. to support Trump. “Instead of showing up to vote on a bill that protects Florida travelers, strengthens air safety, and provides our aviation workforce with the resources they need to secure our skies, Rick Scott spent his day sucking up to a defendant found liable for sexual abuse,” said Democratic candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “It should come as no surprise that the man who oversaw one of the largest Medicare frauds in history would put himself and his own extreme agenda before the people he was elected to represent. Floridians deserve better than this fraud.”

Outside the courthouse, Senator Scott criticized the prosecutors and the judge overseeing the case.

“Evidently, Scott thinks he has better things to do than improving aviation safety and addressing the airline workforce shortage,” FDP Chair Fried added. “It’s a stark reminder that Scott cares more about chasing Trump around to advance his own self-serving political agenda than doing his job.”

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