Thursday, January 9, 2025
38.8 F

Sambos, Jezebels Repent

Back in the Biblical days, Jesus threw the money changers out of the Temple. Well, today’s money changers are the world’s financial conglomerates, also described as beast bankers!

When The Gantt Report warned its readers ten or fifteen years ago that bankers were conspiring to acquire, or steal, as much of their customer’s money as they could by any means necessary, I was accused by modern day Toms, Sambos and Jezebels of merely being a “ranter”.

Today, now that many Americans have lost their pensions, savings, homes and other assets because of financial criminals, people look at Gantt Report revelations a little differently.

Now, American tax payers own a large share of many huge financial companies like banks and insurance firms. But the tax payers don’t run these companies.

Banks are still run and controlled by capitalistic devils taking the form of monetary vampires intent on sucking the life blood out of every depositor, investor, shareholder and account holder banks have ever seen.

What was financial leader Goldman Sachs accused of in recent weeks? They were accused of selling their customers investments that they knew were going to fail and profiting by betting against their own clients who took Goldman’s advise and bought the cancerous investments linked to bad mortgages.

If that move was not beastly and devilish you tell me what kind of move is wicked.

I don’t mind if banks, or any other business, makes money but companies should make money legally, fairly and righteously.

Another disgusting trend in beast banking is to give “micro loans” to people in developing countries. They will loan $10,000 to a basket weaver and charge the small, Third World entrepreneurs 100% interest.

At least the small businesses in jungles and deserts can get loans, Black businesses in America can’t even get loan considerations!

One day, the people need to unite and withdraw all of their money from the world’s largest banks. Even if we have to redeposit our money, we still need to let bankers know enough is enough.

If only African American customers, churches and businesses withdrew their money from any targeted bank, the bank would collapse in a matter of days.

The banks are not going to volunteer to do right. The government is not going to effectively regulate bankers into being good bankers and the people will continue to suffer financially until we stand up, speak out and take control of our own financial future by using bank boycotts and other measures to show bankers the people are serious about their economic well being.

By Lucius Gantt

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  1. Yeah sure some Americans have lost their pensions, savings, homes and other assets because of financial criminals, people look at Gantt Report revelations a little differently. but now day financial crises going over so i think no need to worry recover all of these thing.


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