In Miami, City Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones who was sworn in yesterday for a second term, will likely turn herself over to authorities this morning.

Spence-Jones, Commissioner for District 5, Miami-Dade, is facing grand theft charges. Prosecutors say that Spence-Jones forged letters to direct grants to the tune of $50,000 to her family business in 2004 and 2005, prior to when she was first elected.
Prosecutors also say that some of the monies went directly to Spence-Jones and her brother personally to pay credit card bills, clothes, and travel expenses.
Yesterday, 42-year-old Spence-Jones at her swearing in ceremony, had charged that the current investigation was a merely a distraction and should not be allowed to stop progress. Furthermore, to loud cheers from her supporters, she called the investigation a “public lynching” and while reaffirming her faith in God, she pledged to continue serving the people of District 5.
Spence-Jones was re-elected with 82 percent of the vote in District 5.