Thursday, January 9, 2025
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Down Goes Romney!

The Gantt Report

Down goes Romney! Down goes Romney!

Gov. Mitt Romney

Somebody call 911, Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was beaten like a snare in the Marching 100 Drum line by the people’s favorite and newly reelected President Barack Obama in the 2012 elections.

Gantt Report readers were told two years ago that President Obama would have to stay up all night before he knew what would ultimately happen.

I wrote a long time ago that President Obama would win a very close election and I also said the President’s “coat tails” would resemble a halter top and Democrats seeking to take control of the US Congress and many state legislatures would lose because the “base” liked Obama but despised many other Democratic candidates. Also, more voters than you think went into voting booths and voted for the President and walked out of the polling places.

Conservatives and closet klansmen will never understand or admit that Black voters play crucial roles in determining winners of all major national and state elections. There is no guarantee but if you can get 90% of Black votes cast you have a great chance to win.

I want to move on to the future like The Gantt Report does because everybody that is a columnist will rehash thoughts and ideas about the 2012 Presidential race.

However, I should point out that more groups than ever before will challenge the thought that Blacks were mainly responsible for the Obama win.

Organized labor could say their organizing in Ohio, Michigan and in other areas propelled the President to victory. Females will say a huge turnout of women was the cause.

Most of the talk will be about the increased Hispanic vote for the Democrats and decreased Mexican and Cuban American votes for Republicans was the reason Obama won.

The Gantt Report says Barack Obama can thank the Republican elected officials for doing the most to insure a Barack Obama Presidential reelection!

Let me explain. Yes, most Black registered voters like President Obama but many Black voters didn’t exactly “love” President Obama. Some Blacks even described Barack Obama as “George Bush dipped in chocolate”!

The late surge of Black votes that propelled Obama to victory, I think, was because even though many voters merely like the President, the masses of Black voters hated Republican efforts to purge, subdue, minimize and eliminate Black votes cast in 2012.

The idea that, “I may not want to vote sometimes for some candidates but I’ll be damned if I let rednecks, skinheads, Tea Party members and political zealots steal or prevent the vote that many Black people died trying to get” caused many Black nationalists, community activists and others that were disappointed in the political process to go to the polls.

That is why there was a better than expected turnout of Black voters at the polls.

The surge of Black voters had nothing to do with there being Democratic political puppets and Uncle Tom candidates asking for our votes while sucking up to campaign contributors, party leaders and the political enemies of Black citizens.

If the Democratic Party thinks Black people are going to blindly vote for Democratic candidates forevermore, let’s see how many Black voters turn out in the next election with no Obama on the ticket to vote for white democrats that exploit Black voters, refuse Black professionals and ignore Black issues!

Now, let me move on to the future like The Gantt Report does.

Even if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Tavis Smiley, Colin Powell or some other Black candidate runs for President in 2016, Barack Obama will have to endorse and support Hillary Clinton because her husband, Bill, encouraged, mostly white, voters to cast ballots for the President.

But who could be the only Republican formidable enough to challenge Hillary in 2016 if she runs?

The answer is on South Beach. Jeb Bush could raise more money than Romney did, get more Hispanic votes than Romney did (Bush is married to a Hispanic woman and speaks fluent Spanish) and, believe it or not, Jeb Bush would get far more Black votes and Black support than Romney did. But I’ll write more about that i a future column.

Well this is Obama’s day, a historic day. The Gantt Report congratulates the President on his win.

Now, we will all see how Black “The Black President” will be now that he is free to perform without reelection concerns.

Will there be increased jobs for Black workers? Will Obama insist on more contracts and government purchasing opportunities for Black businesses? Will more Blacks be appointed to decision making positions in the federal government? Will there be fewer bombs dropped and Predator attacks on African soil?

Inquiring Black minds want to know!

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