Sunday, January 5, 2025
61.1 F

DOJ Launches Criminal, Civil Probe into Oil Spill

On Tuesday, the US Department of Justice on Tuesday launched a criminal and civil investigation into the BP oil spill, now dubbed the largest oil spill in American history.  Attorney General Eric Holder who visited the Gulf Coast today and saw first hand the spill, received briefings from Coast Guard officers involved in the massive response effort, also met with Attorneys General and U.S. Attorneys for the states and districts whose coast lines and citizens have been impacted by this disaster.

Eric Holder, US Attorney General,

From DOJ:

What we saw this morning was oil for miles and miles. Oil that we know has already affected plant and animal life along the coast, and has impacted the lives and livelihoods of all too many in this region. This disaster is nothing less than a tragedy.

There is one thing I will not let be forgotten in this incident: In addition to the extensive costs being borne by our environment and by communities along the Gulf Coast, the initial explosion and fire also took the lives of 11 rig workers. Eleven innocent lives lost. As we examine the causes of the explosion and subsequent spill, I want to assure the American people that we will not forget the price those workers paid.

Among the many statutes Department attorneys are reviewing are:

  • The Clean Water Act, which carries civil penalties and fines as well as criminal penalties;
  • The Oil Pollution Act of 1990, which can be used to hold parties liable for cleanup costs and reimbursement for government efforts;
  • The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Endangered Species Acts, which provide penalties for injury and death to wildlife and bird species; and,
  • Other traditional criminal statutes.

There are a wide range of possible violations under these statutes, and we will closely examine the actions of those involved in this spill. If we find evidence of illegal behavior, we will be forceful in our response. We have already instructed all relevant parties to preserve any documents that may shed light on the facts surrounding this disaster. As our review expands in the days ahead, we will be meticulous, we will be comprehensive, and we will be aggressive. We will not rest until justice is done.

BP is already facing a number of private lawsuits from persons whose livelihoods are affected by the disaster and by relatives of those killed when the oil rig blew up.

BP has said that the oil spill has already cost $990 million, to date, reports CNN.  Some analysts have said that the cost to clean up and claims against BP could be as high as $22 billion.

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