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Does the Health Care Reform have the Formula for Success?

KISS (Keep It Simple Silly) is a great cliché that should be used for everything.  With that in mind let’s define and understand what health care reform is? How will we recognize reform when we see it?

Health is defined as a healthy state of well-being free from disease. Reform simply means to change into an improved form or condition. Health Care Reform would then be the treatment and prevention of illness into a well-being that is free from disease.  At the end of the day, health care reform should begin to show that more US citizens are free from diseases.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S.  A disease that reoccurs or continues to be repeated even after cured or has been reversed is called a chronic disease. The four most common causes of chronic disease are not enough physical activity, bad eating habits, smoking and alcohol consumption. Statistics show these are the main causes of death and poor health.  These causes are preventable and can be modified through lifestyle changes.

Trust for America’s Health – 2009 “F as in Fat” report states, obesity alone cost the nation a total of $139 billion in direct and indirect cost per year.  A 2008 study reported that obese employees cost private employers approximately $45 billion a year in medical expenses and excessive absenteeism.  Obese people pay 36 percent more for health care and 77 percent more for medication when compared with normal weight people.  The cost of obese related disease alone is higher than the cost associated with smoking or alcohol consumption.

Nevertheless, a comprehensive wellness and prevention program is effective in reducing the cost of health care and the risk factors associated with common chronic diseases.   Johnson & Johnson is a leader in the field of corporate wellness.  A 2009 “Kaiser Health News” interview with Dr. Fikry Isaac, executive director of global health services at Johnson & Johnson states, the company launched it first wellness initiative in 1978.  More than thirty years later the program has over 80 percent employee participation.  In 2002 there was a $225 per employee per year reduction in health care cost.  In 2007, $400 per employee per year cost savings.  Within the first two years of implementing the initiative the company began to see the impact. Optimal results were seen within three to four years.

What is the formula for wellness success?

ASSESSMENT:  An annual health and lifestyle assessment used to identify health risks, early detection and treatment. (e.g., blood test, blood pressure, BMI, fitness, etc.) Also assess the organization’s environment:  Does your organization’s cafeteria and vending machine offer healthy choices?

INTERNAL MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION: Utilize frequent and several forms of communication: emails, newsletters, paycheck stuffers, posters etc. to market and communicate a consistent message of wellness.

ACCESS TO HEALTH EDUCATION & RESOURCES: Increased knowledge of healthy lifestyle behavior is invaluable.  Offer explanation of health care benefits, self-care programs, workshops, software, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, smoking cessation, etc.

REWARDS AND INCENTIVES: Motivation is the key in participation that involves lifestyle changes. Using incentives to reward people for participating in healthy behavior modifications has proven to be highly effective.

OUTREACH: Programs that offer participation for spouses and dependents have proven to have a higher return of investment. Family events such as: Fun Family Field Day, Family Olympics and Iron Man Chef Contests will extend the impact of your wellness program.

EVALUATION: Regular program evaluation, outcome analysis, ongoing health tracking programs for physical activity, wellness activities and events must be present in a successful wellness program.

As the new 2010 Health Care Reform unfolds, look for these key success components on your job, at schools, churches and community programs.   This proven prevention and wellness formula will reduce your monthly premiums, increase employee and employer savings; decrease the risk of preventable diseases and improve overall individual and corporate productivity. It is a formula for health care reform success.

For more resources go to:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention “Chronic Disease and Health Promotion.” July 2010.

Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation “F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future.” June 10.

Kaiser Health News “Corporate Wellness Programs: Healthier Employees, Lower Costs.” Oct. 2009

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