Saturday, July 27, 2024
77.3 F

Democratic Senator Responds to Gov. DeSantis Signing Bill to Preempt Heat Safety Rules

An Orlando Democratic State Senator responded to Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signing a bill to preempt local heat safety rules, saying “the rent is too damn high and the sun is too damn hot!”

Governor DeSantis signed HB 433, a bill which in part preempts local governments from requiring employers to follow heat exposure protection rules.

“Florida is known as the Sunshine State – and the Governor just signed a law to ensure the outdoor workers can’t escape the sun,” said Orlando Senator Victor Torres, a Democrat. “Outdoor workers are all around us – working on construction sites, repairing and paving roads, picking fruit and vegetables on farms and more. They’re just trying to make a living for their families – and instead of putting protections in place to ensure businesses are prioritizing their workers’ health and well-being from record-setting temperatures, we tied the hands of proactive local governments to do so.”

The Orlando Democrat pointed out that Florida saw the hottest summer on record last year. With lackluster OSHA requirements and workplace fatalities from heat increasing nationwide, Florida just took a step back in protecting its workers, according to the State Senator.

“This bill is an attack on our outdoor workers – the rent is too damn high and the sun is too damn hot!” Orlando Senator Victor Torres added.

In response to Governor Ron DeSantis signing HB 433, “Employment Regulations,” Sierra Club Florida Political Director Luigi Guadarrama also blasted the Republican saying that DeSantis “should be ashamed” and he abandoned Florida’s economy and workers.

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