Thursday, March 6, 2025
54.9 F

Democratic Health Care Assassins

The Gantt Report

If President Obama’s health care proposals that were narrowly passed by the United States House of Representatives are shot down by the Senate, Democrats will be the ones that pull the trigger!

Yes, the political party members that African Americans love and the one that Black voters vote for, no matter what, will be the party members that kill reform and affordable health care.

To get a glimpse of what health care trouble lies ahead in the Senate, one only has to look at how votes were cast in the House.

In the South, where most African Americans are said to live and where Black votes are the most powerful and concentrated, almost every southern state had more than one Democratic Representative to vote against the health care reform legislation and side with the devilish insurance companies and the Republican Party members that will vote against anything that the President proposes.

So-called “Democratic defectors” were in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Carolina, Virginia and other states. Democrats from Ohio, Pennsylvania and other so-called northern states also voted against President Obama’s affordable health care plan.

See, I told you the political devil was tricky! When Black people are told to vote for one party or the other no matter what, when Black voters are told to ignore the candidates and the issues and vote a straight party slate or ticket and when voters in Black communities choose to put political party members first and put themselves, their families and their communities last, you will always get legislation that you support voted down the drain!

As it stands right now, to me, Obama’s affordable health care legislation is just like Martin Luther King, Junior…..good but dead!

Well, how can the votes be changed? People can change votes by signing petitions to recall all Senators and Representatives that vote against affordable health care legislation. People can take the sheets off of recalcitrant Congress persons by revealing that many health care opponents were, and still are, bought and sold by insurance and health plan originated political campaign contributions.The people can find and support candidates to oppose incumbents that vote for greedy insurance companies and poorly run health plans and against an affordable health coverage plan for America’s masses.

Oh, I’ve written it before and I’ll write it again! The people are being misled. The people are being misinformed. The people are being bamboozled. The people are being jacked by low-down political dirty macks!

President Barack Obama has a good health care proposal that is now being considered by the US Senate but in Congress, being “good” is not enough….you have to prevail!

People of all colors and creeds must stand up and demand affordable health care!

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