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Deficit Reduction Co-Chairs Target Social Security, Health Care, Tax Reform

While President Obama remained thousands of miles away, his bi-partisan deficit reduction commission co-chairs, Erskine Bowles and former-Sen. Alan Simpson set the ball in play yesterday and took almost everyone by surprise with the release of their draft report. The White House said Mr. Obama would not comment until the commission completes it work early in December.

Alan Simpson (l), Erskine Bowles (r)

Mike Klein of Watchdog.org, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting new media journalism, has detailed some elements of the 50-page report which targets cuts to social security, Medicaid/Medicare, discretionary spending, defense and reform of the tax system.

See link to draft report of the the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, HERE.

Notably, the Commission draft report buries one of its potentially biggest and most controversial headlines:  “Add a robust public option and/or all-payer system in the exchange” to achieve long-term health care savings.  The very first mention of that idea is found on page 36.

Among its dozens of recommendations, the Commission draft proposes the federal government should move to a biennial budget, rather than the current cumbersome annual budget.  Georgia legislators write annual budgets but some states, Texas included, write biennial budgets.

Most media will report almost executive summary headlines, so rather than repeat the obvious – America Is in Trouble with a Capital T – here is some detail from inside the report:

Social Security

The Commission would propose to gradually move Social Security toward “a more progressive benefit formula” over the next 40 years.  State and local public workers hired after the year 2020 would automatically enroll in Social Security.  Personal income subject to Social Security tax would increase to 90% from its current 86%.  Retirees would have an option to collect half their benefits early but delay full payments until later.  Workers in physically demanding jobs would have an early retirement option.

Medicare / Health Care

These ideas are certain to attract scrutiny.  Proposals include further reduction of payments to doctors, other medical providers and lawyers who have health care clients. There would be expanded cost-sharing in Medicare and Medicaid co-payments would increase.  Medicare Advantage and home health care service cuts that already are planned would be phased-in more quickly.  Health care cost-saving cuts would remain in place even when health care spending itself did not exceed targeted growth rates.


The draft proposes two primary comprehensive reform ideas, but both include elimination of the alternative minimum tax.  One model proposes 8% to 28% individual income tax rates between depending on how deductions are treated.  The other model standardizes individual rates at 15%, 25% and 35%.  Corporate income tax rates range between 26% and 28% in both models.  The Commission seems to recognize that tax reform is a process much like walking through tar pits. Therefore, it proposed forced reductions in some individual tax deductions and corporate business credits if comprehensive tax reform is not accomplished by the end of 2012.


More highlights:  Eliminate 10% of all federal government employees.  Create a bi-partisan committee to review and sunshine agencies and programs that are outdated, low priority and unnecessary.  Reduce agriculture farm subsidies by $3 billion per year.  Close one-third of U.S. overseas military bases.  Terminate one-quarter million non-defense federal government contractors.  Freeze salaries, bonuses and other compensation for federal employees, including defense department employees, for three years. Increase federal gasoline tax to fund transportation improvements.  Several proposed changes to military and federal civil service retirement programs.  Eliminate interest subsidies for in-school student loans.

There is a lot to digest in this document.  Let the debate begin!

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