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Daytona to Host First Potentate Ball in Ten Years

The men of Ancient City Temple #63 invite the entire Daytona Beach community along residents of St. Johns and Flagler Counties to come out and enjoy some networking and fellowship in an atmosphere conducive to uplifting everyone in and around Volusia County.  The Illustrious Potentates Ball will be Saturday, September, 18th beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Daytona Beach Hilton Resort located at: 100 N. Atlantic Avenue.  There will be a hospitality / dance on Friday, September 7 at the Peggy Schnebly Recreation Center located at 1101 N. Atlantic Avenue beginning at 8 p.m.

Potentate William Bass

“The Nobles of the temple have gone through great lengths to make this event one that will be spoken highly of for years to come,” said William Bass, Illustrious Potentate for Ancient City Temple #63.

Some Ancient City History

In 1894, the first Prince Hall shrine (Rabia Temple #8) was established in Jacksonville, Florida during a time when Blacks were not entitled to the same rights and benefits as their mainstream (white) counterparts.  The Nobles of Rabia continue in the distinction as the oldest active Prince Hall Shrine Temple in the state.  However, the late 1800’s also saw the emergence of over a dozen more temples all dedicated to upholding the ideals of Shrinedom even when it was unpopular for Blacks to do so.

Many of the historic temples which were erected in cities such as Palatka, Daytona Beach, Orlando, and Tampa still continue to go about the business of serving humanity simply for humanities sake.  While the membership of some temples has depleted, others have thrived. Ancient City is such a temple.

Ancient City #63 was chartered in 1914 and continues as a torch-bearer for the cause of looking after our fellow man.  The Temple’s name comes from the nickname of the “Nations Oldest City”, once located in St. Augustine, Florida. In 1997 the charter moved 50 miles south to the “City of the World’s Most Famous Beach” and has been here since.

Under leadership of Past Potentates Glenn Franklin and James Howard, the Temple continued its work.  Membership continues to thrive and has swelled to over 25 Nobles under Bass’ tutorage.  For additional information regarding the Nobles of Ancient City Temple #63 got to:

The Potentate Speaks

Potentate William Bass elaborated on the significance of being a Noble.  “We as Nobles are concerned with making strides as a force in the community by participating in community beautification, mentoring for our children, making sure they have the materials necessary to be successful, feeding the homeless and disadvantaged, providing Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to needy families, and much more,” Bass said.  The biggest work is often what is done behind the scenes in terms of contributions of time, and money. Nobles are charged with digging deep in their pockets and showing leadership by example,” he said.
What in the world is a Potentates ball?

Potentate is simply another term for “Leader” or “President”.  The ball is produced to honor the Potentate for the work he has performed in his capacity as the face of the temple.

Bass noted that the event is also an opportunity for the Nobles to come out in full force and interact with the members of the community they serve.  “All are invited.  Dress code for the event is “after five attire” for ladies and gentlemen.  We are very excited about making this event an enormous success.  We need the community to come out in full force and support.  I expect it to grow with each passing year until it is a premier event in the Daytona Beach area and throughout Volusia and Flagler counties,” he said.

What is the Shrine all about anyway?

Many people immediately identify with the Red Fez worn by Shriners who have participated in parades, community clean-up, and other philanthropic endeavors.  Another way “Nobles” as they are affectionately called, are recognized are because of the hospitals and burn centers bearing the Shriners name. There are 19 orthopedic Shriners Hospitals and four Shriners Burns Institutes throughout North America, all dedicated to providing expert, specialized medical care to children under 18, absolutely free of charge.

Bass said the Shriners hospitals are the tip of the iceberg concerning what the Nobles contribute to communities worldwide.  “Ancient City Temple is currently establishing a “Shriners as Mentors” program to help mentor young men in need of positive role models.  This is in addition to aiding the American Diabetes Association deliver its message to impoverished communities about how diabetes affects our health,” he added.

The Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America has a long and colorful history. The first annual session of the newly organized Imperial Council was held on September 25, 1901, in Newark, New Jersey, it was here that a Constitution was formally adopted, establishing the fraternity as it is today, and designating the Imperial Council as a charitable, benevolent, fraternal. and social organization, dedicated to the welfare and extension of Prince Hall Freemasonry, and decreeing that membership in the order be confined to regular freemasons who were members of lodges descended from African Lodge #459 (African Lodge #459 established on September 29, 1784, was formally African Lodge #l formed on July 3, 1776; Massachusetts).

To date- the Worldwide Fraternal Shrine Family has a membership of approximately 35,000 in some 227 Shrine Temples and 200 Courts, throughout the Continental United States, Canada, Germany, Italy, England, Spain, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Guam, Thailand, Panama, and the Bahamas.

The organization is over 108 years old and was established as an Imperial Council of Prince Hall Shriners on June 3, 1893, in Chicago, Illinois, by 13 Prince Hall Masons under the leadership of John George Jones. Prince Hall Shrinedom embraces all of the basic fundamental concepts of the Masonic Order, but is more colorful, with a broader spectrum of visibility by the manner in which it dispenses charity in the community, and the care for its own.  Shrinedom is thought of as a Fraternal, Social, and Charitable Organization.  Heading the list of recipients is the NAACP, the Legal Defense Fund, the Urban League, and United Negro College Fund, along with Annual Grants to several institutions of higher learning and hospitals throughout the land, for medical and other research projects.
The organization also takes great pride in its Auxiliary, which is composed of wives, sisters, mothers and daughters of the membership – officially styled, the Imperial Court Daughters of Isis.  The daughters recently celebrated 100 years of existence.  Membership in both organizations is dedicated to the principle of fostering civic, economic and educational development programs throughout the world.

To take part in the event or for additional information on Ancient City Temples Annual Illustrious Potentate Ball, contact James Alexander, Chief Rabban at 313-283-5800 or by email at [email protected].

By Karsceal Turner

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