Thursday, January 23, 2025
40.8 F

Crist Visits Tornado Ravaged City

Governor Charlie Crist will visit the City of Port Orange Monday, in the wake of a tornado that struck last Friday night, leaving substantial damage to mobile homes.

A state of emergency has been declared as the tornedo cut a swatch through three mobile home neighborhoods in Volusia County. The tornado damaged over 160 structures, eight of which suffered severe damage, while 26 suffered heavy damage.

Residents whose homes have been damaged are quite worried.  “The insurance level on mobile homes, manufactured homes is low.  You can only insure up to so much,” said Neil Murray, tornado victim.

Victims are hoping that assistance comes from both the state and federal government.

The Vice Mayor of the City of Port Orange estimates the damage from the tornado to be around $1 million.

Assessment and insurance teams are due back in the area today, following which a more precise figure of the damage will be known.

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