Wednesday, March 19, 2025
81.1 F

Controlling Relationships

The Gantt Report

Sometimes I consider myself a relatively smart guy. At least I’m smart enough to know that no one is perfect and no relation between two people is ever going to be totally perfect.

In order to have and enjoy a good marriage, committed relationship or a friendship, occasionally both parties oftentimes have to take the bitter with the sweet as long as there is far more sweet than sour!

Control by one person is never good in any relation. If you have been injured or victimized by a bad someone that didn’t love you, didn’t want you, didn’t respect you, didn’t let you be you, didn’t care about your emotional, spiritual, physical or other needs and didn’t value your opinions, I’m sure that sucked at one time or another.

When you are blessed to get out of or escape from that kind of relation, be thankful. The stress that can come from insensitivity, no consideration, loss of love, loss of money, wasted time, broken vows, broken promises and various forms of relationship abandonment could send you to an early grave!

We all have to protect ourselves in all ways and at all times.

But a bad relation situation is bad if bad things are done to you or if you do bad things to others.

If a bad partner or mate disagrees with you, you cannot flip the script and suggest that a good partner, a good mate or a potentially good spouse that disagrees with you is also a bad person.

If your parents or your children disagree with you they can still love you and you can love them.

The same is true about the person that holds your heart, that helps you, that supports you, that inspires you, that motivates you and wants you to succeed in love and in life.

The idea that every relation difference has to be resolved or settled in a “my way or the highway” manner is ridiculous and should be discredited and/or changed!

Stop looking for reasons to get mad, get upset, get frustrated, get disappointed or get annoyed with your soul mates because if you look for a reason to end a relationship you can find one every day!

The person that is best for you is not necessarily your clone or someone that pretends to be just like you are, thinks like you think, defines like you define, views like you view or acts like you act.

Merely start with the man or woman that you can live with and you can love and then work together to make the relationship better! (Buy Gantt’s latest book, “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” on and from bookstores everywhere. Contact Lucius at

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