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Clarke Officially Defeats Damiani


Pete Clarke celebrates with supporters Trini Quiroz, Sonia Fonseca, and former County Commission candidate Lydia Pisano after the recount officially declared Clarke the winner, November 13, 2012. (Photo: M. Cantone/WONO)

It is official: Pete Clarke is the Orange County Commissioner for District 3. After an electronic recount last night, the manual recount concluded today shortly after 1pm with newly elected County Commissioner Clarke defeating Lui Damiani by just 70 votes. The recount showed a net 6 vote gain for Clarke when all was said and done.

“It’s all about community, nothing else,” said Clarke. “I didn’t do it, we did. The entire community.”

Clarke credits his campaign of knocking on doors, showing up to forums where his opponent was not, and building a coalition representative of the community for his victory. Damiani was the establishment darling and supported by Chamber interests and many in the Orlando establishment, including elected officials and donors from both parties.

“It’s the substance of the candidate that makes the difference,” said Sonia Fonseca, a supporter of Clarke who witnessed the recount and knocked on doors during the campaign. “People were honored to meet Pete. Someone thinks enough of them to meet them. That goes a long way.”

Lui Damiani congratulates Pete Clarke as the Canvassing Board concludes its manual recount of District 3 ballots, November 13, 2012 (Photo: M. Cantone/WONO)


Trini Quiroz added that the deciding votes came from the East side. “Those are the most precious votes I’ve seen in my entire political career,” Quiroz said. “I am so proud of the votes east of the 436.”

The Hispanic community rallied behind Clarke and against Damiani – a rift that has existed since Damiani and the Orange County Commission redrew the lines during redistricting. The “anti-Damiani” vote was energized in this election, possibly fueled by Damiani’s resistance to campaign everywhere Clarke was. And Clarke capitalized.

“Don’t think you can’t do it,” Clarke noted. Indeed, his coalition toppled big money by remaining focused on the people living in District 3.

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  1. As a very active Community Advocate for Justice & Equality for all, and not just for the “privileged” ones, it was a no brainier to decide which candidate to support to represent District-3!
    Pete Clark was the only choice for those of us who know the pulse of the Community! Specially among our Hispanic Community who up-to this moment stands disenfranchised by Orange County career politicians and outside SPECIAL INTERESTS!

    Pete Clarke WON because he UNITED the voters of District-3, UNLIKE the vanquished looser who LITERALLY & geographically DIVIDED and DILUTED the strength of the Hispanic VOTE during his infamous ROLE in the 2010-1022 Redistricting CIRCUS!

    “God Honor those who honor Him and resists the proud”

  2. When Will our new Commissioner Pete Clarke going to be having his After Election Victory win Celebration party and where will it be at? Commissioner Pete Clarke was kind enough to call me personaly him self over the phone to thank me for my support and for my volunteer work helping him win hia campaign by speading the word, passing out flyers to Church friends at my Church of Delaney Street Baptist in orlando and waving a Pete Clarke yard sign as well as put yard signs all around my neighborhood near where I live. I walked around my neighborhood streets to place signs on land street corners and intersections for Commissioner Pete Clarke who I knew and hoped would win and he did. God is good and God is also Faithful to everyone even when we do not know he is still there for us no matter what is the case. Commissioner Pete Clarke is a very fine Man who I know will do a great job of cleaning up and doing good to continue to better Orange County,Florida in Orlando. I am a very proud voter and supporter of Commissioner Pete Clarke and his team and I thank each of them for being kind enough to remember me and my needs as a disabled Orange County Central Florida Floridian since 1975. I would like to not only Thank Commissioner Pete Clarke, but I would also like to welcome he and his staff and team aboard in working and helping each of us in Orange County and Central Florida. Pete Clarke is a very caring and kind hearted Godly Man and I am so thankful that The Good Lord put him into my life and I look very forward to meeting Commissioner Pete Clarke of Orlando who is also a long time friend and former Boone High School Class mate of my long time friend Mrs Jan Stapp-Gaines Booth of Orlando and her family as well as a friend.
    Sincerely and Respectfully,
    Ms. Elizabeth Ann Taylor {Beth}


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