Friday, January 10, 2025
41.1 F

Civil Unrest or Political Protest?

Has Rush Limbaugh left America yet or was his promise to leave just another drug laced lie?

Racist and gay slurs, broken windows and broken promises were all part of the aftermath when Congress passed what has been called a health care reform bill.

Don’t take my word for it but the main reason so many Klansmen and American Nazis were upset with the health legislation was not because it was costly, the main reason for the legislative discord was the color of the guy whose name will be forever attached to it!

I know you don’t like me to write like this, but it’s true.

If Glen Beck or some other hater would have endorsed health care reform it would have been acceptable to holster wearers and gun carrying hillbillies.

There will always be conflicts and confrontations and political, physical and verbal wars until America and the world gets over their racial biases.

We will only be able to look at political and other issues with unbiased eyes when we judge the issues without judging the race of the issues’ proponents and opponents.

You know, when Black people throw rocks and destroy property, the actions are called riots, civil unrest and disobedience, lawlessness and mayhem but when conservative haters throw rocks it is called a form of political protest.

Ethiopian legend Haile Selassie said it first and Bob Marley sang about it later but they  felt problems will be never ending because of racial hatred.

They said, “Until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes. There will be war. And, until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, there will be war. And until that day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship and universal morality will be pursued, but never attained.”

Until all Americans accept Barack Obama as President of all Americans you will always have racist haters.

Throughout my life, I’ve had no problem recognizing and respecting all of the white United States Presidents even when some of those Presidents didn’t respect me or my ancestors.

So don’t look for Rush Limbaugh to move to Costa Rica, don’t look for so-called tea partiers to stop carrying and displaying racist placards and don’t look for the people that some Black people love so much, to love you back.

Meanwhile, you probably know that I’m not thrilled with the health care legislation that recently passed in Congress but it is better than nothing.

I am happy that Obama didn’t cave in on health care but I look forward to him doing the same push for bank regulation, bring troops home from everywhere in the world, immigration reform, education reform, job creation and other things that the people really need.

By Lucius Gantt–The Gantt Report

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  1. So, if you dislike a black president that means you dislike him because he’s black? Or could it be he’s not liked because he’s a bad president, like Jimmy Carter or Hoover?

    This health care initiative is going to cripple an economy already sucking wind. While rioting is completely out of line, it has nothing to do with race.


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