With a September 5, deadline approaching, navigators in Central Florida are available to assist individuals with paperwork inconsistencies with the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace (healthcare.gov).
WHAT: More than 90,000 Floridians have received notices (through mail, phone, email) regarding inconsistencies in their citizenship/immigrations status or other paperwork inconsistencies on their Marketplace application. However, the September 5th deadline to resolve these data matching issues is quickly approaching and if consumers do not submit additional information to the Marketplace, they risk losing their coverage at the end of September.
HOW: Schedule an appointment by calling 1-877-564-5031 or emailing CFLNavigator@gmail.com.
WHO: Lake, Orange, Osceola and Seminole County Residents
WHERE: Various locations throughout the region
WHEN: Upon scheduling your appointment
BACKGROUND: Currently, appointments are for consumers with paperwork problems or those with life qualifying events. The next open enrollment period is from November 15, 2014 – February 15, 2015.