By Lucius Gantt
Some friends of mine have had me cracking up with laughter about the war of words between so-called Black community leaders Tavis Smiley and Rev. Al Sharpton. If you didn’t hear it, you can go to a hundred internet sites like and get the details.
I say “so-called” because I have participated in protests and demonstrations with Rev. Al, including one that took place in Perry, Florida about 15 years ago, but I only know Smiley as an opportunist who conducts various talks and conferences so that he can charge for advertising and promote himself and his predatory lending and greedy insurance company bosses, like Wells Fargo and Nationwide.
Anyway, what was funny to me was how Shapton said Smiley were “buck dancing for Bill Clinton”. I imagine the statement refers to Smiley’s criticism of President Barack Obama and his love for Clinton and his wife, Hillary, who Smiley supported in the last Democratic Presidential Primary.
Sharpton asked how could Smiley be critical of the first US President with African ancestry and write in a book Tavis wrote that referred to Clinton as “The Black President”?
Meanwhile back to buck dancing.
There are a lot of Black people that are doing the “Stanky Leg” buck dance for non-Black elected officials and candidates that merely pretend to be friends, supporters and benefactors of African Americans!
Don’t take my word for it, no matter where you are, there are people in your neighborhood begging you to contribute to the campaigns and cast your votes for modern-day political slave masters.
People can support whatever candidates they desire to support but I would be very careful listening to and believing imperialist puppets that will do everything for non-Black candidates and little or nothing for Blacks seeking office.
Now if the those guys are getting paid for generating political support, you can’t argue with that but you tell me, what non-Black, or Black candidate for that matter, has Black political professionals on their pay rolls right now?
In other words, the political Fiddlers and Chicken Georges are perhaps trying to get a job in the big house if their candidates of choice wins an election!
In an election year all of these buck dancers show up asking you to vote for this woman or this man “because they are best for Black voters”.
The truth is, you don’t hear from them until election time. You never see them until election time and after the election is over you’ll never see them or hear from them until the next election.
I don’t like buck dancers or buck dancing. I like to slow drag.
Take your time in deciding whom you should vote for and give your political support to. Time will tell if you’re dancing with the stars or dancing with the devils!