Democratic congressional candidate Bob Poe will be holding a meet and greet for voters this Wednesday, July 20th. The campaign event will take place at the home of community leader Lawanna Gelzer. Poe is running in a contested Democratic primary for Florida’s 10th Congressional District. The candidate meet and greet will begin at 7:00PM.
“This is your chance to talk to Bob one on one,” the invitation states. “He would love to hear your concerns.”
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
7PM to 9PM
At the home of Lawanna Gelzer
7674 Saint Stephens Court
Orlando, FL 32835
Refreshments will be served. To RSVP, or for more information, email
Poe is facing off against Chief Val Demings, State Senator Geraldine Thompson and Fatima Fahmy in the upcoming Democratic primary for Florida’s 10th Congressional District.