The Gantt Report

I guess President Barack Obama is doing all that he can to improve America’s worsening financial system. He has bailed out Wall Street stockbrokers, auto makers, insurance companies and bankers.
Most of the money thrown at corporate big wigs and executives has done little or nothing to help the little man and little woman.
You couldn’t get a loan last year and you can’t get a loan this year! The state of lending in this country is terrible. Even beast bankers don’t want to lend money to each other.
No matter how many “fiscal cliffs” there are to cross or how much stimulus money you print to give to the companies being “bailed out,” the people will continue to suffer!
Why? Because the beast is still the beast! The bankers who were making or denying loans on the basis of race, are still dong that. The bankers that were redlining Black communities to refuse to give money to Black businesses in our neighborhoods continue to do that too.
This refinancing craze is just that, crazy! Yes, banks will be glad to refinance homes that they don’t own because they have no idea where the original loan documents are. Look for the beast bankers to hit homeowners with new, arbitrary and predatory “fees” that homeowners never agreed to pay. The banks can do this because our government refuses to criminalize bad bank actions and they refuse to jail bankers and other financial criminals.
But guess what? All Americans have elected officials on the state level that are supposed to be protecting us from financial crimes like falsifying financial transaction documents, making false financial statements to government investigators and failing to pay fees to conduct certain government financial transactions.
If the state’s Chief Financial Officers don’t have a clue about lying and stealing by financial companies, why in the hell are taxpayers paying their salaries?
Take Florida for instance. The Sunshine State has been a safe haven for financial criminals for a long time. When President Obama last visited Florida he came to talk about towns like Ft. Myers that were devastated by wrongful foreclosures.
The investigators in the Florida Office of Financial Services are employees that are either untrained in recognizing financial criminals in Florida or they are card-carrying co-conspirators!
When everyone in the world knows that certain predatory mortgage companies were ordered to sell all of their assets by a court of law and the mortgage company’s principals are under federal indictment, why doesn’t the CFO’s staff know that? Why does the CFO’s staff try to cover up crimes by lying companies?
I know you don’t like for me to pull the sheets off of financial criminals and their government co-conspirators but all you have to do is call your state’s financial regulators and tell them what I wrote and see if anything happens.
People living in America should join me in fighting predatory beast bankers. Campaign contributions, organization contributions, food and alcohol should never stop you from doing your best to end financial crimes and telling the people the truth.
The Bible asks a question in Revelations 13:4 and the answer is, “I’ll fight the devilish beast!”