I love my husband. He takes good care of me but, he works all the time. My husband travels a lot and whenever he comes home from work he’s too tired to spend any time with me. I gave him an ultimatum to find another or job or else but, it didn’t work and I’m thinking about cheating.
What can I do?
Lonely Wife.
You should be happy your husband has a job to go to! Why are you complaining? You said he takes good care of you. If you love him you would be supportive, loyal and understanding, rather than give him an ultimatum and consider cheating. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
When your husband is away, occupy your time with a computer course, business seminar or marriage book. Take care of your man when he comes home. Have dinner ready, give him a back rub, or hot bath. Stop being so needy and count your blessings!
Help! I can’t stop flirting online. I’m a member of all the dating and social networking sites. I flirt online at home, work, and even on my phone. I love emailing, instant messaging, and sending pictures. I often fantasize about the women I message. Flirting online is fun, easy, and convenient. I’m not cheating. I don’t even meet any of the women. My wife, family and friends complain I don’t spend time with them anymore. What should I do?
Flirting Online in Orlando.
Flirting is fun it make us feel wanted and good about ourselves. It’s okay in moderation just as long as no one gets hurt.
It is evident your flirting online is interfering with your personal relationships. I’m glad you asked for help because the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
Try to wean yourself off gradually. Cancel your dating memberships one day at a time and limit your computer use. Connect with your wife, family and friends. Engage in new activities. If your marriage needs a little spice, try shopping for lingerie together or purchase a board game for couples. Flirt with your wife. Pretend your wife is another woman. Send her steamy emails and texts. Invite your family over for a barbeque or have a picnic.
Ask your friends to invite some of their friends out to a new sports bar. Enjoy human interaction again. There’s nothing better than conversing with a person face to face. You can see the person’s facial expressions, hear their tone of voice, and watch their body language.
Good luck.