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After 94 years, Zeta Phi Beta still setting standard for finer Womanhood

Karsceal Turner – I Got NEXT!

Founders of Zeta Phi Beta (File photo)
Founders of Zeta Phi Beta (File photo)

Ninety-four years never looked so good. Don’t believe me? Tap any sister of Zeta Phi Beta on the shoulder, she’ll remind you of what finer womanhood is.

I must begin this homage to the Zeta Doves by saying they are some of my favoritist people. In fact, I can’t recall ever meeting one I didn’t like. I Love me some Zetas. I could write this entire feature simply by naming Zetas I’ve been blessed to know…but naaahhhh!

The worst and longest economic recession to hit the U.S. would define the end of the decade-The Great Depression. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was founded January 16, 1920, at Howard University, Washington, D.C.

The Klan was very active during this period and the Harlem Renaissance was acknowledged as the first important movement of Black artists and writers in the U.S.  This same year the Volstead Act became effective heralding the start of Prohibition and Tennessee delivered the crucial 36th ratification for the final adoption of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote.

What a time and era to begin a sorority. Well, it was up against such an atmosphere that five women coeds envisioned a sorority which would directly affect positive change, chart a course of action for the 1920s and beyond, raise consciousness of their people, encourage the highest standards of scholastic achievement, and foster a greater sense of unity among its members.  These women believed that sorority elitism and socializing overshadowed the real mission for progressive organizations and failed to address fully the societal mores, ills, prejudices, and poverty affecting humanity in general and the black community in particular. Thus Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc was born.

Now, 94 years later, these sisters are still staring down oppression and making the difference. I can attest to this personally. As an Upward Bound student at Langston University, one of my first mentors was Ms. Wyatt, she was a Zeta and ALL my counselors were Sigmas (I already wrote about them).

I owe a great debt to Ms. Wyatt, and to the counselors who cultivated my sprouting seed. Basically, I am a collegiate scholar today because of the insight and patience of a Zeta. Through my travels later, I always clicked up with Zetas (they are bloody down to earth and not full of themselves like some OTHER sororities. This homage is only the tip of the Iceberg.

Since its inception, Zeta has continued its steady climb into the national spotlight with programs designed to demonstrate concern for the human condition both nationally and internationally.  The organization has been innovative in that it has chronicled a number of firsts.

It was the first National Pan-Hellenic Council organization to centralize its operations in a national headquarters, first to charter a chapter in Africa, first to form auxiliary groups, and first to be constitutionally bound to a fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

The sorority takes pride in its continued participation in transforming communities through volunteer services from members and its auxiliaries.  Zeta Phi Beta has chartered hundreds of chapters worldwide and has a membership of 100,000+.

The only true two

It is almost impossible to mention the Zeta “Doves” as they are affectionately called without mentioning their brothers in the same breath, as it is written in both organization’s constitutions.

Hell, you can hardly catch a Zeta alone without a Sigma somewhere nearby but hey, that’s a good thing right? I’m just clowning because I have so many friends, colleagues and Eastern Star sisters who are also Zeta Phi Beta, they know I wouldn’t cross any lines. In fact, there were at least three Zeta sorors who called me out, and had me fit to be tied and flogged. I actually had the nerve to publish an AKA feature on the Zeta anniversary.

Famous Zetas

As an author myself, I had to begin this listing with Zora Neale Hurston (her annual festival is this weekend in Eatonville, you should go). Anyway, Ja’net Du bois (Willona from Good Times), Ether Rolle (Florida Evans of Good Times) – I met her once. Betcha didn’t know raci Braxton (you know, Toni’s sister, is a Zeta). Also Dionne Warwick and Sarah Vaughn. Shout out to Lillian E. Fishburne, the first Black female to hold the rank of Rear Admiral in the United States Navy. Also Sheryl Underwood’s sexy self, along with at least five women basketball players, you know I’m loving that!

Zetas don’t haze….do they?

As read from the official website: “Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., has a membership intake policy, which forbids all forms of hazing. Each prospective member is advised in writing that membership in Zeta does not require subjecting oneself to hazing. Prospective members are directed to refuse to participate in any hazing activity, and are directed to report all hazing and hazing attempts to the proper authorities. Members receive instructions in the intake process. The International President has the authority to discipline any member who does not follow the written intake procedure or violates the sorority’s policy against hazing. This authority includes the power to suspend and the power to set conditions for reinstatement.

Each prospective member is informed that hazing is against the sorority’s rules. Prospective members are directed to walk away from any hazing activity, and to report all attempts to haze to the proper authorities.”

Hey, I took this from the official website ergo.  Matter of fact, there is a graphic which specifically reads, “Finer women don’t Haze.”

See it for yourself. You ask if I think it happens? First in the name of Greek trade secrets, I must give you the gas face, then I must redirect you to the above.

Although membership in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is by invitation only, we encourage interested women with a track record of community service and currently pursuing a baccalaureate degree or in possession of a baccalaureate degree to contact a chapter in your local area for more information. Non degree seeking women interested in the Amicae and young ladies interested in one of the youth groups should contact a local Graduate chapter for more information.

Aspiring sisters should really check out their website, it is tight! I stay spreading love.

However, one statement I can attest to is the “Finer Womanhood” which is exhibited every time I have the blessed opportunity to meet one. Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, Finer Womanhood…..yep, that’s the Zeta of my Dreams.

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