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Achieve Ultimate Health in 2011

You Can Achieve Ultimate Health in 2011!

We asked a couple of resident physicians to weigh in on the subjects of healthy living and healthy lifestyles, and suggest ways you can achieve your goals by making changes in how you approach healthcare and exercise.

Dr Richard Betts, a chiropractor, and Dr. Chris Brouillette, a family practitioner, have different types of practices, but their philosophies are the same… it is lifestyle choices that matter and you can’t cure illness or disease with a pill!  So much for Mary Poppin’s “Spoon full of sugar.”

Did you know that diabetes is one of the fastest growing chronic diseases in the United States?  Did you know that research shows that most people diagnosed with diabetes, which occurs when the pancreas and other organs fail or are very weak in their ability to handle sugar, or are pre-diabetic, do not need drugs, which are prescribed drugs to handle sugar, nor do they actually have to have the disease?  Did you know that simple life changes would control the disease completely and actually heal the body to its normal sugar handling organ capacity?

Alternative health care professionals, who are educated in giving proper diet, exercise and supplement recommendations will support the body and organs to regain their health and proper function.

The government health care initiative being debated in my opinion has nothing to do with health care – it is Sick Maintenance.  Most of the discussion ensures the dissemination and affordability of drugs to all that need them.  This thought process has absolutely nothing to do with prevention of disease or regaining health.

Much of the medical health care profession continues to discount the healing properties of whole foods and herbs.  In fact according to the FDA there are only three modalities that have the power to heal the body – drugs, radiation and surgery (cut it out).  This organization, in its infinite wisdom and knowledge, doesn’t even recognize the body itself as an amazing healer.  In fact if a person were to provide the body with the proper high quality whole foods containing vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, and enzymes along with the proper mental attitude and the proper amount of sleep, the human body will accumulate the energy and building blocks to conquer all illness and invaders.

Each and every human being has the potential for amazing health.  Out bodies contain the dug company, the healing physiology, and the God given innate knowledge that will heal any ailment.  It is the choice of the individual to promote health by not ingesting things that create and unhealthy toxic body.  Every system maintains a specific balance of chemical reactions.  IF one system falters in its ability to maintain itself the other systems decrease in their effectiveness.  Once the brain recognizes the deficient system it must redirect energies from other systems to assist the deficient system.  This creates dysfunction throughout the entire body.

Today’s industrialized world is full of toxicity.  There is a price for all of the creature comforts that have been invented in the last 100 years.  All of the man made chemicals that are released into the water, air, ground and put into our food get into our bodies.  The body has an amazing ability to rid itself of this toxic cornucopia via the Liver.  It has been understood throughout history that if you loose your Liver you die.  It’s that simple.

When it comes to toxins the liver has the ability to render all toxins inert and under normal circumstances toxins will pas out of the body.  The liver normally performs hundreds of procedures however; with increased ingestion of toxins it is difficult to maintain optimum performance.  Its innate reaction to toxic overload is to transport the toxic waste to areas where it will be sequestered until time, energy and resources are available to properly render it inert and excrete it.  This toxic poison is distributed into fat cells and osseous joints.  The increased joint toxicity usually results in a diagnosis of arthritis, (‘arthro’ = joint, ‘it is’ = swelling), however; the true diagnosis should be “Toxic Joint Disease.”

Why hasn’t any research been done on alternative healing procedures?  There is research out there, unfortunately most of this research is not published because the editors of journals decide content.  In fact most journals are funded by for profit companies or organizations that are extremely embedded within the medical drug paradigm.

Little publicity is afforded to natural remedy research since no money will be accumulated due to companies not being able to acquire patents.  It is impossible to patent water which is known to cure many maladies of the human body.

Water? Yes, water! Just by being properly hydrated the body can overcome many symptoms and diseases.  There are many other remedies that can’t be discussed here because of the US government vehemently denying its validity.  Suffice to say there are so many wonderful natural healers such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, whole food nutritionists, massage therapists and energy workers that are available to help you naturally overcome any ailment that your body is currently experiencing.  If you do not have access to good natural drinking water you can always call your local water distributor.  My favorite is “a clear choice” they are located in Apopka Florida and have been servicing Orlando Florida for over 26 years.  When you call about service…you’ll talk to the owner…Duane.  Give him a call, and start living a healthier life today. [email protected] or  or phone at (321) 945-2364.   He has some awesome holiday specials right now!

Doctors will never heal your body with a drug and don’t believe any that say they can!  Your body is and always will be self healing.  Provide it with proper nutrition, exercise and positive thinking and you will experience ultimate health.  Remember God gave you all of the organs that you were born with for a reason.  Cutting them out will only decrease the potential for ultimate health.  Your body will never have a deficiency of Advil, Tylenol or Coumadin.  It has its own built in pharmacy with many more powerful elixirs than any chemist can concoct.  Just supply the building blocks for manufacturing the right chemistry and the achieved results will be ultimate health.

Remember before starting any new nutritional or exercise program consult a doctor who has a nutrition and exercise background to find out what modifications you may need to make so your body will tolerate the new stress.  People tend to start a program and then abruptly stop because of unpleasant affects that could have been alleviated with a proper exam and consultation.

By:  Tesha Daniels – [email protected]

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