Saturday, January 4, 2025
54.7 F

A Call To Action For Political Service

The political landscape is due to change before next year’s 2012 elections. The Redistricting process is going on right now as city, county and state committees are gathering now to discuss how to divvy up political territory.

The Hispanic community is pushing hard for their own districts as their political and economic power continues to grow. Whenever the decision is made to reveal just how districts will be drawn next year that’s when we may see more candidates reveal their desire to run for office.

But as of right now we still have the usual suspects and no viable young candidates.

Earlier this year the Florida Legislature changed elections law that shortens the number of early voting days as well as removes an individual’s ability to change his or her address at the polls.

The state budget for 2011 cuts over a billion from education and fails to raise pay for state employees. While many Floridians were outraged by the fiscal direction the state Legislature and Governor Rick Scott decided to take our state in (Just check out Florida Watch Action and Pink Slip Rick Scott) not many are stepping up to run for office especially young people.

In Florida House district 39 there are two young black Floridians who have decided to take the plunge: Attorney Juan Lynum and local business owner Tezlyn Figaro. Both are African-American and under 40.

There are more who are either contemplating running or have decided to run but only enough to count on one hand.

Why is it that young African-Americans, who are largely affected by the bad policies of this state’s leadership, deciding to remove themselves from the political process? Why is there trepidation in serving the needs of others?

In the 2008 Presidential election young black Americans had the highest turnout of any other ethnic group. That’s showing just how powerful the black vote can be and how in tuned African-Americans can be with the political process.

We need more young black people to run for office, period.

Our neighborhoods, communities, townships, cities, and states are under attack and its up to us to save them.

The unemployment rate for African-Americans runs close to 17% nationwide and the jobless rate for young black Americans doubles that. If we want our problems and issues properly addressed then we are the ones that have to deal with them.

There are many local and state races that are up for grabs that require focused and ambitious leadership. Are you willing to take the baton of leadership from those previous to you or will you let it drop and bang on the cold concrete?

Dr. Martin Luther King said “Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

We need more young black people willing to serve.

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  1. Thank you for taking the time to publish this article. As a young and single parent of a four year daughter, every issue you mentioned has affected me personally, therefore I have no other choice but either SERVE or SHUT UP! I took the plunge not because of what I “heard” but from what I know. Those who know me, know that I tell no lie’s and or that I am ashamed to say that during the fall of our countries economic stability, I also personally experienced the breaking of a stable ground beneath my feet. However, America is the land of the free and the home of the brave therefore my breaking point from unemployment, divorce, and a toddler in a City with no family, my breakdown through the support of this community became my BREAK THROUGH! During the last nine months of the toughest employment market in Central Florida, I have placed 160 people from the community into paying jobs. . As District 39 ‘s Representative, I will continue to put the needs of every person in District 39 at the forefront of every discussion. Some apply, some are called, some are sent, I was “chosen” to represent. 407-900-4TEZ (4-8-39) let the 39 in my name signify that it is written. I am open to “unscripted” interview in fact, I REF– — USE to receive questions that were sent to me PRIOR because I am not a LIAR. Thank you for all that you do….


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