Saturday, January 11, 2025
58.2 F

A Beat Down of Mega Proportions


beatdownfinalA lot of folks got their asses kicked last night. Some deservedly, some not.

Here on the west side, Derrick Wallace lost to Victoria Siplin, the obvious proxy for her sensationally, scandalous husband Gary.

We expect no original thoughts, ideas or leadership in District 6 for the next 4 years.

If you think Pine Hills is terrible now, don’t worry, in a couple of years you’ll look back on today and call these the good ol’ days.

How in the name of God did West Orlando condemn itself to the likes of Victoria Siplin and Regina Hill?

There’s going to be a lot of finger-pointing on the west side over the next few months.

Someone’s gonna have to pay politically for what just happened to West Orlando. Four more years of absolute, wretched suffering and neglect.

Some are blaming the local NAN coordinator. Others blame Geraldine Thompson’s lack of leadership, as Black Orlando’s senior politician.

But the voters should really blame themselves. Lawanna Gelzer and Thompson are in a quiet fight for turf and wouldn’t dare help anyone else.

Poor Derrick. The most successful businessman to ever emerge from the Ivey Lane area, who employed thousands and never turned his back on the residents, was soundly defeated.

Who knows, maybe the folks in West Orlando like things the way they are.

Maybe the residents like the decaying, rundown conditions. It’s possible that the rampant poverty, extreme violence, failing schools and the EBT SSI-based economy is perfectly acceptable. And just perhaps, Hill and Siplin will fulfill the wishes of its residents in keeping it that way.

One thing is certain, the baseball bat, double beat down of Hill and Siplin victories will certainly keep the West side amongst the worst in the state, probably for another generation.

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