Thursday, December 12, 2024
51.2 F

Beautiful Full Moon


Sonja Marie

There couldn’t have been a better time to start my introductory column on West Orlando News Online…we are in the company of a beautiful Full Moon. November 10th marks the only day this month when people seem a bit more impatient, drive like maniacs and erratically more emotional for no apparent reason. The mystery and illusion of this nocturnal event brings blame to the craziest acts available. Although I wholeheartedly believe in taking responsibility for your actions, there might be some truth to these

The full Moon represents an accumulation of energy that has been building through out the prior moon phases. From the new moon through the crescent moon, waxing through the half moon, the maiden builds in emotional intensity. Finally, at the full moon, it’s given a chance to let it all go; hence, the sudden outburst of insanity.

This month our full moon is in the loyal sign of Taurus. A stable, earth sign that exudes the energy of calm and reliability. It is an auspicious time to release the worry of material things and begin affirmations to attract the things you desire. We are being taught during this time to identify with our worth. Ask for that raise at work you’ve been dreaming of. Examine and discern the amount of time and energy you express, compared to what has been delivered to you. It’s wonderful to show your compassion and loyalty to another but tiring yourself in the process may be beyond sacrificial. It’s time to slow down from a “must do” life style and discern what is priority. There’s an urging to stop and smell the roses for a clearer perspective.

The full moon in Taurus sends the planet powerful energy to re-evaluate our lives and devise a better plan speared by discipline and valor. Now’s the time to become methodical in our steps and to obtain our obtainable dreams; love, career, beautiful things big & small are all within our reach….believe! Yesterday goes the thoughts of not being enough or having enough – let it go – except what you have and manifest better.


Sonja Marie

Wordlife Astrology – healing life thru the word of astrology!

I’m so excited to be apart of a new team that delivers vital, conscious information to YOU…that cares!

Please join me bi-weekly to highlight current astrological occurrences and how the universe inspires us to push through these changing times.

If you’d like a more specific, individual astrology reading, please contact me
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