Orange County Head Start Division along with community partners will come together Saturday, July 16 at 8:00 a.m. to construct an outdoor playground for 200 Head Start students. The play area is located at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6408 Jennings Road, in Orlando.
Funding for the play area was secured through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and was awarded by the National Division of Head Start. The playground structure will include a curved zip slide, transfer platform, bongos, rock wall climber and swings.
Parents who have seen their 4 or 5-year-old navigate a climbing wall or walk up a rope ladder or their 3-year-old venture out on a wiggling rope bridge have also seen the wide smiles once the children conquer their fears and master playground structures. Experts say that this sense of accomplishment leads to self-confidence and increased self-esteem.
Orange County Head Start is a nationally recognized leader in Early Childhood Education (ECE), providing early childhood pre-school to children from low-income families. Head Start offers comprehensive services that benefit the whole family, so children leave Head Start “ready-to-learn” and families become more self-sufficient.