According to the New York Post, this weekend, Elizabeth Brew gave birth to her twins right on Fifth Avenue. The Post reports: “While she remained in the SUV, her legs extended toward busy Fifth Avenue and Central Park, her 4-pound, 13-ounce daughter was delivered right out on the avenue. A few minutes later, the second of the pair of twins, a 5-pound, 5-ounce boy, was delivered. Both children were healthy.”
Upon hearing her screams out an open window, a nurse manager named Lucille Nassery grabbed a team of nurses, doctors, and anesthesiologists and rushed out to her side — in the middle of the street! The article also describes how “Hospital staff used their bodies to block off two lanes of traffic while Brew delivered. Passengers in taxis stuck their heads out of windows to cheer and exclaim over the baby. Drivers stopped to yell out: ‘Is the mother OK?'”