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Just in Case You Still Haven’t Voted….



What kind of identification do I need to show at the polls?
Answer: Florida law requires that each voter provide a signature and photo I.D. Signature and photo do not have to be on the same I.D. A Florida driver’s license provides both. The match with the voter must meet these priority requirements: that the face of the voter matches the photo and signature presented matches the signature on file. (The address on the driver’s license does not necessarily have to match the address on the voter rolls).
Authorized voter identification:                Florida Drivers License
                                                            Florida I.D. card from Fl. DMV
                                                            U.S. Passport
                                                            Debit/Credit Card
                                                            Military I.D.
                                                            Student I.D.
                                                            Retirement Center I.D.
                                                            Neighborhood Association I.D.
                                                            Public Assistance I.D.

Can I still vote if I don’t have proper identification with me?
Answer: Yes, no one is turned away from the polls because he/she did not bring identification. If you did not bring the proper I.D., you will be given a provisional ballot to vote with.

What will it mean if I am only allowed to vote with a provisional ballot?
Answer: If you are offered a provisional ballot solely because you did not have adequate voter identification, you do not need to prove any further evidence of voter eligibility in order for your ballot to count. The local elections canvassing board will compare your signature on the provisional ballot with the signature on your voter registration record. Assuming your signature matches, your provisional ballot will be counted.
If, on the other hand, you were provided a provisional ballot for another reason, you may need to fax/email or mail adequate identification which must arrive at the Supervisor of Elections office by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, November 6th for your vote to be considered. Once examined by the local canvassing board, which will review your voter information and evidence, a decision will be made whether to count your vote.
Remember: On Election Day, Florida law requires that you vote in the precinct where you live.
How will I know if my provisional ballot is counted?
Answer: Information as to whether your provisional ballot was counted or not must be made available to you no later than 30 days following the election.
Can I turn my absentee ballot in at the polls on Election Day?
Answer: On Election Day, precinct poll workers cannot be responsible for your ballot and will not accept it at the polls. In order for your absentee ballot to be counted, you will need to drop it off at the Supervisor of Elections office, 119 West Kaley Street, Orlando FL 32806,  by 7:00 p.m. on November 4. Postmarks do not count. 
If I ordered an absentee ballot and changed my mind about using it, can I still vote at the polls?
Answer: Yes. You will be asked to surrender your mail-in/absentee ballot at the polls (whether it is marked or unmarked). Once you have surrendered your ballot to the poll-worker, you will be handed the regular paper ballot to fill out on site at the voting booth. Make sure you are at your designated precinct.
What are the best hours to vote on Election Day?

Answer: The League of Women Voters is suggesting citizens go to the polls during off-peak hours on Election Day to avoid what may be long lines. No guarantees of the size of the lines can be made, however the League believes the hours between 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. will be less crowded.
Is there any place that has specific information on the local, regional and state ballot questions and candidates?

Answer: Yes, the League of Women Voters of Orange County, a non-partisan non-profit organization, has a Voter’s Guide available on their website at, and information in Spanish at
The League of Women Voters, a non-partisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League is non-partisan and does not support or oppose candidates. Leagues do support issues and legislation but only after careful member study. League members register and mobilize people to vote. The League encourages citizens to participate in complex decision making processes that result in important public policy. The League’s National Lobby Corps represents League positions on Capitol Hill, carrying the voice of League members to the corridors of Congress and the Administration. League members serve as official observers and election volunteers, and conduct civic participation training around the world.

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